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【徒7:49】主说:天是我的宝座,地是我的脚凳。你们要为我造怎样的殿宇?哪里是我安歇的地方呢?【Acts 7:49】“ ‘Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house will you build for me? says the Lord.”

发表于 2024-05-22

此时圣灵借司提反引用以赛亚书,再次指正逼迫耶稣和使徒的犹太人:神不喜悦犹太人的献祭和在殿宇里的宗教礼仪,憎恶“嘴唇敬拜神,心却远离神”的假冒为善。At this time, the Holy Spirit, through Stephen, quoted the book of Isaiah to once again admonish the Jews who persecuted Jesus and the apostles: God is not pleased with the sacrifices of the Jews or their religious rituals in the temple. He detests the hypocrisy of those who worship with their lips but their hearts are far from Him.他们以为建豪华的圣殿、烧些祭物给神,神就好吃好喝、高高兴兴住在里面,随叫随到,要什么给什么…但神说:祂要与心灵痛悔、谦卑的人同居,使谦卑人的灵苏醒,也使痛悔人的心苏醒。They believe that by building magnificent temples and offering sacrifices, God will eat and drink joyfully, dwell within, and be at their beck and call, giving whatever they ask. But God says that He desires to dwell with those who have a contrite heart and humble spirit, to revive the spirits of the humble and the hearts of the repentant.


主啊,感谢你借着犹太人的道路光照我的心,我看重什么?犹太人注重宗教外表和人前的荣耀,把杯盘外面洗净,却不见自己内心的自义和骄傲,不合己意就恨人杀人,满是死人骨头的臭气。Lord, thank You for shining the light of truth into my heart through the path of the Jews. What do I value? Like the Jews, do I focus on religious appearances and outward glory, cleaning the outside of the cup and dish while ignoring the self-righteousness and pride within me, hating and harming others when things don't go my way, emitting the stench of dead men's bones?我到教会,是不是也想把教会建得富丽堂皇,把物件搞得漂亮,赞美敬拜音符一个不能错,服装整齐,仪式庄严,让人称赞?如果有人把事搞砸,不合我意,我就发怒、仇恨、不饶恕。我在服事谁呢?是我的善恶对错、喜好,还是神的公义、怜悯、圣洁?我看重建筑物和器皿超过了神,不知不觉成了我偶像?When I go to church, do I also desire to make it splendid, with beautiful objects, flawless praise and worship, neat attire, and solemn rituals, seeking the praise of others? Do I get angry, resentful, and unforgiving when things go wrong or don't meet my expectations? Who am I serving? My own sense of good and evil, preferences, or God's righteousness, mercy, and holiness? Have I valued buildings and vessels more than God, unknowingly making them my idols?感谢你告诉我真理:亚当夏娃吃了分别善恶树的果子,撒旦原罪进入我们心中,靠做事行律法,毒蛇的种类岂能成为义人?你颁布律法、建造圣殿、让人献祭的目的乃是让我在服事和跟人碰撞的过程中,看见自己内心充满了毒蛇的性情,做什么也无法改变,服事救不了自己。Thank You for revealing the truth to me: Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and Satan's original sin entered our hearts. Relying on works and following the law, how can the offspring of the serpent become righteous? You gave the law, built the temple, and instituted sacrifices to show me that through serving and interacting with others, I would see my own heart filled with the nature of the serpent. Nothing I do can change this, and that serving can not save me.主啊,求你在环境里,我正做事的时候,跟人说话的时候,不停的提醒我,我里面有肉体的律,想要时时牵引我靠肉体…提醒我要时时祷告,依靠圣灵,让我的心殷勤思想你的话,枝子连在葡萄树上,呼求圣灵释放大能,治死我肉体里做事的、宗教的、假冒为善的、虚荣的律…求你怜悯我,使我灵魂苏醒… Lord, please constantly remind me in my environment, when I'm doing things, when I'm talking to people, that there is a law of the flesh within me that seeks to pull me away... Remind me that I should pray constantly, and rely on the Holy Spirit, to let my heart diligently ponder Your word, and remain connected to the vine, to call upon the Holy Spirit to release His power, and to put to death the law in my flesh that leads to dead works, religiosity, hypocrisy, and vanity… Have mercy on me, revive my soul.更新我,常常回到内心求问神,求神鉴察我有没有任何骄傲自义的意念,是否持守在忧伤痛悔里面,是否时时准备被纠正、悔改…直到不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活。让我成为神圣洁公义的圣殿,不再让圣灵担忧,安然居住在我里面,直到永永远远….. Renew me, Holy Spirit, that I may continually seek Your will within my heart. Search me, O God, and reveal any prideful or self-righteous thoughts, to see if I am abiding in sorrowful repentance, or if I am always ready for correction and repentance... Until no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. Make me a holy and righteous temple for God, no longer causing the Holy Spirit to grieve, but allowing Him to dwell within me in peace, forever and ever...(陈弟兄Brother Chan)


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