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【徒7:3】对他说:‘你要离开本地和亲族,往我所要指示你的地方去。’【Acts7:3】'Leave your country and your people,' God said, 'and go to the land I will show you.'

发表于 2024-05-19

主耶稣已经指示门徒,跟随耶稣的会为祂的名受逼迫。当被拉去见官时,圣灵会赐当说的话。Jesus had instructed His disciples that those following Him would face persecution for His name's sake. When brought before authorities, the Holy Spirit would provide the words to speak.此时说话的并不是司提反,乃是圣灵自己…犹太人以亚伯拉罕这样的祖先为荣,却不知道为何亚伯拉罕蒙神喜悦,被神称为义人。耶稣也指正犹太人,不肯悔改,不信祂话,不效法亚伯拉罕信心脚踪的,必死在罪中。At such times, it was not Stephen speaking but the Holy Spirit Himself... The Jews boasted in ancestors like Abraham, yet failed to understand why God found favor in Abraham, calling him a righteous man. Jesus also rebuked the Jews, as they had refused to repent, had not believed His words, and failed to follow in the footsteps of Abraham's faith, leading to spiritual death in sin.主啊,感谢你,指示亚伯拉罕离开本地和亲族,断开一切跟祖宗肉体不敬虔,拜偶像的连接…虽然还没有看见,却是相信神的应许…因信神,亚伯拉罕舍己,全然顺服神命令,为神的应许冒险,宁愿离开安舒家乡,踏上漂流异乡,寄居帐篷之旅,也毫无疑惑,一往无前。Lord, we thank You for guiding Abraham to leave his homeland and relatives, severing ties with ancestral idolatry... Though not yet seeing, he believed in God's promises... By faith, Abraham surrendered, fully obeyed God's command, ventured on God's promise, preferring to leave his comfortable homeland for a journey of wandering and dwelling in tents, without doubt, steadfast in purpose.近100岁时,身体如同已死,肉体失去能力,依然仰望神的应许,经历神大能,得着儿子以撒…亚伯拉罕不靠肉体,单单信靠神,成为信心之父,万国的祝福,耶稣也被称为亚伯拉罕的子孙…圣灵提说亚伯拉罕,乃是为了让以色列民醒悟、回转,不靠败坏的肉体,而效法亚伯拉罕信心之踪迹去行,信耶稣悔改得救…At nearly a hundred years old, his body was as good as dead, yet he continued to trust in God's promises, experiencing God's power and receiving Isaac... Abraham didn't rely on his flesh but solely on God, becoming the father of faith and the source of blessings for all nations; Jesus is also known as Abraham's descendant... The Spirit called attention to Abraham to awaken and urge Israelites not to rely on their corrupt flesh, but to follow the footsteps of Abraham's faith, repenting and finding salvation in Jesus...


主啊,犹太人靠肉体,外面守律法,行割礼,心里却结出了:贪婪、淫乱、诡诈、自义、骄傲、恨人、杀人,怎么做都败坏的果子…我的肉体岂能比犹太人强呢?Lord, the Jews rely on the flesh, outwardly observing the law, performing circumcision, yet their hearts bear fruits of greed, immorality, deceit, self-righteousness, pride, hatred, and murder, —always producing corrupt fruit... Can I be any better than the Jews in my flesh?求你也让我看见,我肉体也同样无可指望,只有效法亚伯拉罕的信心,信神才是我惟一指望,唯一出路…定意离开自己从小到大,素来所依靠的人,势力、关系,金钱、学问,肉体里的能力、聪明…I ask You to show me that my flesh is equally against all hope, and my only hope and way lie in following Abraham's faith, trusting in God alone. I resolve to leave behind all that I've relied on from childhood to adulthood, whether it's power, relationships, money, knowledge, or physical strength and wisdom.在一切事上,真转向神、指望神,连于基督,仰望神应许,寻求神供应…等候神在我里面做成祂的工,向肉体死,彻底脱离肉体败坏的辖制…让基督成为我圣洁、公义…经历神使无变有,死而复活的大能,自己蒙福,也祝福多人…In all things, I truly turn to God, am united with Christ, look to God's promises, seek God's provision, and wait for God to accomplish His work within me, die to the flesh, and be completely freed from the corruption of the flesh. Let Christ be my sanctification and righteousness. I want to experience the power of God to bring the nonexistent into being and to raise the dead, so that I may be blessed and be a blessing to many.(陈弟兄Brother Chan)


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