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【徒6:10】司提反是以智慧和圣灵说话,众人敌挡不住;【Acts 6:10】But they could not stand up against the wisdom the Spirit gave him as he spoke.

发表于 2024-05-17

耶稣肉身虽是拿撒勒的穷木匠,却是神智慧和圣灵能力的化身。Although Jesus was a poor carpenter in Nazareth in the flesh, He was the embodiment of God’s wisdom and the power of the Holy Spirit.耶稣也正是以智慧圣灵指正人的罪,引来逼迫,被恨被杀…It was with wisdom of the Holy Spirit that Jesus corrected people's sins, which led to persecution, hatred and death...学生不能大过老师,被圣灵充满、跟随耶稣的司提反也同样…Students cannot be greater than their teachers, and the same goes for Stephen who was filled with the Holy Spirit and followed Jesus...抱着为主殉道的心,靠着智慧和圣灵,跟受迷惑抵挡神的众人宣告真理,从旧约到新约,指正犹太人的罪,充满神的智慧和能力,让真理大大得胜…With the heart of martyrdom for the Lord, relying on wisdom and the Holy Spirit, he proclaimed the truth to the people who were deceived and resisted God. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, they corrected the sins of the Jews and were filled with God’s wisdom and power, allowing the truth to triumph...触动了犹太人里面罪的营垒,撒旦恼羞成怒,恨人杀人,司提反也为真理,为救自己骨肉之亲,被自己弟兄杀害…撒旦的别名就叫迷惑和抵挡,就是迷惑人来抵挡神的…Stirring up the stronghold of sin within the Jewish people, Satan became furious and hateful, inciting them to kill. Stephen stood for truth, seeking to save his own flesh and blood, yet he was killed by his own brothers... Satan's aliases are known as deception and resistance, intending to mislead people and resist God.

主啊,古今中外,多少跟随你的人被圣灵充满,被你大爱感动,为真理,为神的国度降临勇猛向前,不怕逼迫,以刚强、仁爱、谨守的心,怜悯那被撒旦迷惑的百姓,纵然被恨被害,依然为逼迫自己的祷告,打了美好的仗,胜了仇敌,让神得着了荣耀…Lord, throughout history, from every corner of the world, many who follow You have been filled with the Holy Spirit, moved by Your great love. They courageously advance for truth, for the coming of Your kingdom, unafraid of persecution. With strength, love, and a watchful heart, they show mercy to those have been suppressed by Satan. Even when hated and persecuted, they continue to pray for their oppressors, fighting a good fight, overcoming enemies, and bringing glory to God.司提反之后,耶路撒冷教会大受逼迫,不但人没有退去,反而教会越来越复兴…照着神的应许,福音从耶路撒冷,被传到犹太全地,撒玛利亚,欧洲,亚洲…直到地极…After Stephen, the church in Jerusalem faced great persecution. Yet, instead of retreating, the church experienced a revival. According to God's promise, the gospel spread from Jerusalem to all of Judea, Samaria, Europe, Asia, and even to the ends of the earth. 主啊,感谢你,我今天能跟你的救恩有份,都是因有一大批福音勇士,像司提反那样,为从撒旦仇敌手里夺回灵魂,抛家弃业,用生命为神打了美好的仗…Lord, thank You that I can follow Yoursalvation today. It’s all because there are a large number ofgospel warriors, like Stephen, who abandoned their homes and careers to fight a good fight for God with their lives in order to win back souls from Satan...弟兄胜过它,是因羔羊的血和自己所见证的道。他们虽至于死,也不爱惜性命。The brothers conquered it by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. Even unto death, they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.主啊,求圣灵不断地将基督那舍命大爱,厚厚浇灌我、激励我,摆上生命,以智慧圣灵装备我,能随时回应主你的舍命大爱:主啊,我在这里,请差遣我,我愿为你而去…Lord, Ipray that the Holy Spirit continually pours out upon me the sacrificial love of Christ, inspiring and motivating me. May I offer up my life and may the wisdom and the Holy Spiritequip me to respond to your sacrificial love at any moment: Lord, here I am, send me. I am willing to go for You. (陈弟兄Brother Chan)


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