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【徒6: 10】司提反是以智慧和圣灵说话,众人敌挡不住。【Acts5: 14】But they could not stand up against the wisdom the Spirit gave him as he spoke.

发表于 2024-05-15

神的道兴旺,圣灵大大浇灌做工不止,God's word flourished, and the Holy Spirit poured out abundantly, continuously working.七位执事之首司提反是一个极其虔诚而大有信心、圣灵充满的人,满有恩惠能力,在民间行了大奇事和神迹。Stephen, the chief among the seven deacons, was a devout man full of faith and filled with the Holy Spirit. He was full of grace and power, performing great wonders and signs among the people.哪里有神迹,有神的荣耀,哪里就有属灵争战,神的国度和撒旦的国度,两国之战,撒旦不甘心神得荣耀,竭力要破坏神的工作,Wherever there are miracles and God's glory, there is spiritual warfare. The kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan are in conflict. Satan is unwilling to see God glorified and strives to destroy God's work.但司提反是以智慧和圣灵说话,众人敌挡不住,因神与他同在。However, Stephen spoke with wisdom and the Spirit, and his opponents could not resist because God was with him.


司提反的工作得到使徒们的肯定,他不畏惧权势地为主宣讲、做见证。Stephen's work received the apostles' affirmation. He boldly preached and testified for the Lord, without the fear of authority.他确信基督的受难、复活、升天和他将要荣耀地再来。因信,至死忠心,敬畏神,在他身上充满神的能力和智慧。He was convinced of Christ's suffering, resurrection, ascension, and His glorious return. By faith, he remained faithful unto death, fearing God and filled with God's power and wisdom.他在每一件事小事上忠心,被上帝所得着,也被人所称赞。他的信息和人生只有一个中心,以智慧和圣灵说话传讲基督,高举基督。He was faithful in every small matter, won over by God, and praised by people. His message and life had a single focus: to preach Christ with wisdom and the Holy Spirit, exalting Christ.


主啊,你说懒惰人羡慕无所得。Lord, You said that asluggard’s appetite is never filled.当看到司提反被神称许,被使徒认可,为福音勇敢冒死前行,我心里顿时被圣灵责备,Seeing Stephen commended by God, recognized by the apostles, and bravely advancing for the gospel even at the risk of death, I am instantly convicted by the Holy Spirit.他为我舍命,为救我不救自己,把我从罪恶中拯救出来,就是召我为福音成为那美好的见证。He gave His life for me, saving me from sins without saving Himself, calling me to be a good witness for the gospel.求主赦免,这么多年过去,我还沉浸在自己的世界里,没有先求神的国和义,就给仇敌留了破口,生命没有活泼的见证。Lord, forgive me. All these years, I have been immersed in my own world, not seeking first Your kingdom and righteousness, leaving a doorway for the enemy, resulting in a life without a vibrant testimony.


如今我要转道,活着不再为自己活,而是为我死而复活的主活,Now I want to change my path, living not for myself but for the Lord who died and rose again for me.面对挑战和试炼,效仿司提反对父的敬畏和忠心,不以自己的性命为念,Facing challenges and trials, I will imitateStephen's reverence and faithfulness to the Father, not valuing my own life above Him.把父放在第一位,一生委身基督,忠心于基督的福音,献上自己当作活祭,在凡事上求神的智慧,除掉一切的属血气,谦卑倚靠神的智慧和圣灵行事说话,I will put the Father first, commit my life to Christ, remain faithful to the gospel of Christ, and offer myself as a living sacrifice. In everything, I will seek God's wisdom, removing all desires in the flesh, and humbly rely on God's wisdom and the Holy Spirit to act and speak.愿我们的人生藏在基督里,成为今日这个时代的祝福。May our lives be hidden in Christ, becoming a blessing to this age. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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