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【徒5:14】信而归主的人越发增添,连男带女很多。【Acts 5:14】Nevertheless, more and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number.

发表于 2024-05-14

正当教会大大复兴,外面虽大受逼迫,但因被圣灵充满,众人全沉浸在和平喜乐时,却发生了一件令人惧怕的大事。As the church was experiencing a great revival, despite facing intense persecution from the outside, everyone was immersed in a sense of peace and joy because they were filled with the Holy Spirit. However, a terrifying event occurred.有一对夫妻信徒,因贪欲迷惑,被撒旦充满了心,故意犯罪,欺哄圣灵,立时遭到神烈火般的审判,被击杀在众人面前…There was a couple of believers who, deceived by greed and filled with Satan in their hearts, intentionally committed a sin, deceiving the Holy Spirit. They were instantly judged by God's fiery wrath and struck down in front of everyone...借着这事神要警戒祂的教会,在追求复兴和被圣灵充满的同时,内部被仇敌攻破的风险也在增加…看不见隐藏在暗处的仇敌,吼叫的狮子撒旦,比外面的看得见的人的逼迫更危险,需要我们更加警醒,依靠十字架,对付我们肉体的邪情私欲…堵住一切的破口…Through this event, God intended to warn His church that while they pursued revival and being filled with the Holy Spirit, the risk of being attacked internally by the enemy was also increasing... The unseen enemy, Satan, roaring like a lion, posed a greater danger than the visible persecution from the outside. This required greater vigilance from the believers, relying on the cross to combat the sinful desires of the flesh, closing all doorways...主啊,你是烈火,为你子民颁布烈火般圣洁公义的律法,你的仇敌,有罪的人谁敢靠近你…但当人看见,你圣洁公义管教才是宝贵真爱,不但没有吓跑人,反而更加敬畏神…就连那软弱的妇女也多多归向你!Lord, You are a consuming fire, and You decree laws of holy righteousness for Your people, and who of your enemies and sinful people dare to approach you...... But when people see that Your holy righteous discipline is precious true love, instead of driving them away, it causes them to fear God even more... Even weak women will come to you in large numbers!

主啊,感谢你借着这事让我明白,当我越渴慕复兴,越渴慕被圣灵充满,你对我圣洁的要求就越高。越靠近你,就越需要对付罪。Lord, I thank You for making me understand through this scripture that the more I thirst for revival and being filled with the Holy Spirit, the higher Your requirement for my holiness becomes. The closer I get to You, the more I need to deal with sin.因你是圣洁的,非圣洁不能见你的面。求你将你智慧和启示的灵多多赏给我们,让我更加知道你的圣洁、公义的高度,更明白你十字架的宝贵…For You are holy, and the unholy cannot see Your face. I pray that You will grant us more of Your wisdom and the spirit of revelation, so that I may know more of Your holiness and righteousness, and understand more deeply the preciousness of Your cross...有动力恨恶罪,依靠圣灵的大能大力,天天背起自己的十字架,跟一切贪婪、淫乱、污秽,偶像、谎言的权势争战,奋力向标杆奔跑…Empower me to hate sin, to rely on the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, to daily take up my cross, and to vigorously fight against greed, sexual immorality, impurity, idolatry, and the power of lies, striving towards the goal...主啊,求你在我里面复兴你圣洁,凭着信心,靠着圣灵,不停呼求,等候你将我盼望的,耶稣基督的性情做成在我里面! 传福音不靠肉体给好处,说好话,讨好人,做人眼中的好人…而是被圣灵带领,传扬耶稣的圣洁、公义,忌邪的慈爱,让仇敌惧怕,万民折服,因敬畏你,爱你而归向你…Lord, I pray for the revival of Your holiness within me; by faith, by the Holy Spirit,I keep calling, waiting for you to make the nature of Jesus Christ that I hope for in me!Preaching the gospel does not rely on the flesh for benefits: Speak good words, please people, and be a good person in the eyes of others.... but be led by the Holy Spirit to preach the holiness, righteousness, and jealous love of Jesus, so that the enemies will fear, and all people will be subdued, and they will return to You because they fear You and love You.... (陈弟兄Brother Chan)


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