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【徒4:29-30】他们恐吓我们,现在求主鉴察。一面叫你仆人大放胆量,讲你的道;一面伸出你的手来医治疾病,并且使神迹奇事因着你圣仆耶稣的名行出来(“仆”或作“子”)。”【Acts 4: 29-30】Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

发表于 2024-05-12

使徒被圣灵充满,讲道、行神迹,不但没有被公会赞扬,反而被抓,被威吓逼迫,众门徒没有苦毒,没有控告,不跟人对抗,只跟主祷告…只是求主鉴察,表明他们对神的信靠…The apostles, filled with the Holy Spirit, preached and performed miracles. Instead of receiving praise from the Sanhedrin, they were arrested, intimidated, and persecuted. The disciples endured without bitterness, accusation, or confrontation, but prayed to the Lord alone toconsider the threats against them and show their trust in the Lord.彼得约翰走上神义仆耶稣的道路…被骂不还口,受害不说威吓的话,只将自己交托那按公义审判人的主。Peter and John walked the path of Jesus, God’s righteous servant…when they were reviled, they did not retaliate; when they suffered, they did not use threatening words, but theyentrusted themselves to the Lord who judges righteously.门徒信神是活着的,行在神的公义圣洁里,不用自己出手,神就会为他争战作见证…The disciples believed that God is alive, and they were walking in His righteousness and holiness. They did not need to act on their own, for God would testify on their behalf.出于信望爱的祷告,神就立刻回应,即刻聚会的地方震动,圣灵大大充满他们…大有权能…初代教会何等的复兴!复兴就带来逼迫;逼迫就需要教会更殷勤祷告,更渴慕被圣灵医治、更新、充满,带来更大复兴…Through prayers filled with faith, hope, and love, God immediately responded, causing the place where they gathered to shake and filling them greatly with the Holy Spirit. There was great power. What a revival in the early church! Revival brings persecution; persecution requires the church to pray more diligently, to yearn for healing, renewal, and filling of the Holy Spirit, bringing even greater revival.


主啊,为什么使徒在逼迫中、能为主名忍耐冤屈的苦楚,不但没有苦毒,还怜悯爱仇敌?在患难中欢欢喜喜的? 因为圣灵,将神的爱浇灌在他们心里。哈利路亚,十字架,耶稣舍命大爱,耶稣的饶恕何等医治大能!Lord, why could the apostles endure injustice and suffering for Your name in persecution, not only without bitterness but also with compassion and love for their enemies? They rejoiced in their trials because the Holy Spirit poured God's love into their hearts. Hallelujah, how great is: the cross, Jesus' sacrificial love, Jesus' forgiveness and healing power!使徒生命大大翻转!主啊,在你饶恕大爱的浇灌下,门徒摆上生命,在信心的百般试炼中,初代教会迎来一波波的复兴浪潮…不可阻挡…The apostles' lives were greatly transformed! Lord, under the pouring of Your forgiveness and great love, disciples offered their lives, welcoming waves of revival in the midst of various trials of faith. Nothing could stop it.主啊,我渴慕这样的复兴,我渴慕被你饶恕大爱浇灌,我渴慕被你医治我一切的伤害,让我在环境里,在面对逼迫和死亡的恐吓,不停的呼求你,求圣灵在我里面释放,你那死里复活,医治更新的大能,将你那义仆的性情活出来…公义、谦卑…以爱胜恨,怜悯、饶恕仇敌70个7次…Lord, I yearn for such revival, to be drenched in Your forgiveness and great love, to be healed of all my wounds. Enable me to continually call upon You in the face of persecution and the threat of death, to release the power of Your resurrection and healing within me, to live out the nature of Your servant: righteousness, humility, overcoming hatred with love, showing mercy, forgiving enemies seventy times seven.也让你犹大狮子的权能借我行出来,放胆讲道,医病赶鬼,使被掳的得释放,被囚的出监牢,让你国度大有能力的降临…万民归向你…. Let Your power of the Lion of Judah be manifested through me, boldly preaching, healing the sick, casting out demons, setting captives free, releasing prisoners, ushering in the powerful manifestation of Your Kingdom... Let all nations turn to You. (陈弟兄Brother Chen)


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