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【徒4:19-20】彼得、约翰说:“听从你们,不听从 神,这在 神面前合理不合理,你们自己酌量吧!我们所看见、所听见的,不能不说。”【Acts 4: 19-20】But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”

发表于 2024-05-10

‘你们’这里指公会,也包括官府、犹太长老、文士并祭司长等宗教权柄,本来是代表神来管理神子民的。"You" here refers to the guild, including government officials, Jewish elders, scribes, and high priests, who originally represented God in governing His people.彼得说‘不听从你们’是指,当这些权柄人物,说话做事,不合神真理,我们就不能听从。我们的呼召是为主,作神真理忠心的仆人,不论何等环境,都要预备好,随时将从神那里领受的传讲出去。When Peter said, "We must obey God rather than men," he meant that when these authorities speak or act contrary to God's truth, we cannot obey them. Our calling is for the Lord, to be faithful servants of God's truth, prepared at all times to proclaim what we have received from God.但同时彼得又说:‘你们为主的缘故,要顺服人的一切制度…或君王…或臣宰。’ 既要顺服人,又不要听从人说的不合神的话,这不是矛盾吗?我们当怎样行才是神眼中的合理呢?But at the same time, Peter also says, "For the Lord's sake, submit to every human authority... whether to the emperor... or to governors." We are to obey human authorities while not obeying what they say if it contradicts God. Isn't this contradictory? How should we act in a way that is reasonable in the eyes of God?


主啊,感谢你来到地上,把神的道活出来,成为神眼中惟一合理,要我们效法的榜样。Lord, thank You for coming to earth and living out the Word of God, becoming the only rational example for us to follow in the eyes of God.为真理你是犹大的狮子。你谦卑、公义,带着圣灵的大能,赫然前往,你真理之道比箭锋快,射中王敌撒旦之心,无人能抵挡,都仆倒在你以下,你无不得胜。为顺服父旨意和父所设立的权柄…You are the lion of Judah for truth. Humble and righteous, with the power of the Holy Spirit, You boldly go forth. Your truth is swifter than an arrow, piercing the heart of the enemy king Satan, and no one can withstand you; all fall before you, and you are always victorious, for the sake of obeying the Father's will and the authority He established...你是神羔羊…在客西马尼,你为顺服竭力争战,祷告到流血的地步…被捕、被诬陷、被欺压…面对受苦逼迫,你自卑不开口,像羊羔被牵到宰杀之地,又像羊在剪毛的人手下无声…顺服至死…成为赎罪祭…You were the Lamb of God... in Gethsemane, You strove in obedience, praying until You bled... arrested, falsely accused, oppressed... facing suffering and persecution, You remained silent and humble, like a lamb led to slaughter, and like a sheep before its shearers, You did not open Your mouth... obedient unto death…becoming the atoning sacrifice...


主啊,求你充满我们!教导我们效法彼得约翰,正如他们效法你,至死忠心你所托付的福音真理,被圣灵充满,将从父那里听见、看见的勇敢传讲出来…彰显犹大狮子的大能,让人折服…Lord, please fill us! Teach us to imitate Peter and John, just as they imitated You, faithfully proclaiming the Gospel truth entrusted to them until death, filled with the Holy Spirit, boldly proclaiming what they heard and saw from the Father... manifesting the power of the lion of Judah, causing people to submit...但为了顺服父在地上所设立的人的权柄,就是被诬陷逼迫,也要仰望十字架,竭力争战,饶恕,爱仇敌,为逼迫我们的祷告…治死里面一切的申辩,反抗,不服,悖逆的声音,直到内心默默无声…but in order to obey the authority established by the Father on earth, even if falsely accused and persecuted, we must look to the cross, strive earnestly, forgive, love our enemies, and pray for those who persecute us... to silence all arguments, resistance, disobedience, and rebellion within us, until our hearts are silent...让羔羊得胜!愿犹大狮子大能者和神羔羊柔和谦卑的性情,都在我们身上掌权,引导我们在环境里争战得胜…将福音传到地极!Let the Lamb be victorious! May the power of the lion of Judah and the gentle and humble nature of the Lamb of God reign within us, guiding us to victory in every circumstance... and spreading the Gospel to the ends of the earth! (陈弟兄Brother Chen)


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