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【徒4:13】他们见彼得、约翰的胆量,又看出他们原是没有学问的小民,就希奇,认明他们是跟过耶稣的。【Acts4:13】When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

发表于 2024-05-09

神故意拣选世人眼中看为卑贱的、愚拙的、软弱的渔夫彼得、约翰,要叫那些自以为读过书,有学问的文士、法利赛人、宗教人士羞愧,God deliberately chose those whom the world considers lowly, foolish, and weak—fishermen like Peter and John—to shame those who pride themselves on their education and knowledge, such as scholars, Pharisees, and religious leaders.叫所有靠肉体的,自以为聪明有本事的人,在神面前一个也不能自夸。Thus, no one who puts confidence in the flesh or considers themselves wise and capable can boast before God.犹太人看见耶稣就希奇说:‘这个人没有学过,怎么明白书呢?这人从哪里有这等智慧和异能呢?’ When the Jews saw Jesus, they were astonished, questioning how He could have such wisdom and power without formal education.耶稣肉身虽是拿撒勒的木匠,但里面却被圣灵充满。Although Jesus was known as a carpenter from Nazareth outwardly, inwardly He was filled with the Holy Spirit.圣灵是神的灵;是真理、智慧知识和启示的灵,谋略和能力的灵,一切学问智慧,神本性一切的丰盛都在神的圣灵里面。The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God—the spirit of truth, wisdom, knowledge, revelation, strategy, and power. All the fullness of wisdom and knowledge and the nature of God dwell in the Holy Spirit.五旬节当彼得被圣灵充满后,生命翻转,讲道服事大有智慧权能,从旧约到新约,把先知的话,历代隐藏在神里面的奥秘,耶稣基督的救恩解开,并奉耶稣的名行出权能,吩咐瘫子起来…When Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, his life was transformed. His preaching and service were filled with wisdom and power. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, he unraveled the words of the prophets, the mysteries hidden in God throughout the ages, and the salvation of Jesus Christ, and in Jesus' name, he performed miracles, commanding the paralyzed to rise up.众人看见彼得身上有耶稣的胆量和爱心,指出犹太人的罪,没有惧怕…People saw in Peter the courage and love of Jesus; he boldly confronted the sins of the Jews without fear…这不是天然人,而是神的性情,是圣灵在信神之人身上所结出的果子…This is not a natural person, but the nature of God. It is the fruit of the Holy Spirit in those who believe in God. 这等学问智慧、权能生命,岂是文士、法利赛人靠着肉体行律法能得来的?Can scholars and Pharisees attain such wisdom, knowledge, powerand life by practicing the law in the flesh?


主啊,感谢你,给我们看彼得生命翻转的过程,叫我们明白什么叫跟随耶稣?Lord, thank you for showing us the transformation of Peter’s life and helping us understand what it means to follow Jesus.彼得明白了:要以受苦的心志为兵器,要让自己的肉体邪情私欲受苦,天天背起自己的十字架,在心里跟随耶稣,效法耶稣的死,凡事不求自己的意思,只求父的旨意成就,尊主为大…Peter later understood that we must arm the same attitude with Jesus to allow the desire of the flesh to suffer daily, take up our cross every day, follow Jesus, imitate Jesus’ death, not seek our own will but only the will of the Father be done; allow His will be accomplished, He become great in us.彼得操练了,生命就翻转结出果子,人们在彼得身上看见了耶稣…认明他是跟过耶稣的。As Peter practised this, his life bore fruit; people saw Jesus in him and recognised that Peter had been with Jesus.主啊,何等荣耀神的生命见证,我渴慕,我也要跟随!Lord, what a glorious testimony of a life that glorifies God. I yearn to follow his footsteps!求你教导我也效法彼得保罗,像他们一样效法你,在具体的环境里,思想真理和耶稣的脚踪,被圣灵充满,被圣灵带领和基督一同受苦,效法基督的死己,跟自己的私欲争战,天天经历基督那死里复活的大能,活出基督智慧、性情、权能,叫人认出我是跟随耶稣的。Please teach me to imitate Peter and Paul, to follow them as they followed You. Guide me to meditate on the truth and walk in Jesus' footsteps in my circumstances, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and be led by the Holy Spirit to arm the same attitude of being willing to suffer with Christ, and imitate Christ’s death,and fight against my own desires, to experience the resurrection power of Christ daily, to be able to live out Christ's wisdom, nature, and authority, so that others may recognize me as a follower of Jesus. (陈弟兄Brother Chen)


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