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【徒4:13】他们见彼得、约翰的胆量,又看出他们原是没有学问的小民,就希奇,认明他们是跟过耶稣的。【Acts 4: 13】When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

发表于 2024-05-07

彼得,约翰他们因信靠耶稣的名,在生活中就施行主的大使命。舍己,放弃一切,并背起自己的十字架跟随主,不畏惧困难逼迫,被圣灵掌权,放胆传扬福音,使得救的人天天增加,神就与他们同在,并且用圣灵的大能和神迹奇事见证他们是主的门徒。Peter, John, and those who believed in Jesus' name lived out the great commission of the Lord in their lives. They denied themselves, gave up everything, and carried their own crosses to follow the Lord, fearing no difficulties or persecutions. They were empowered by the Holy Spirit, boldly proclaiming the gospel, leading to the daily increase of those saved. God was with them, manifesting His presence through the mighty power of the Holy Spirit and miraculous signs, testifying that they were disciples of the Lord.


圣灵降在他们身上,他们必得着能力,阿们!虽然他们出生卑微,是没有学问的小民,但彼得被圣灵充满大有能力,行了许多有学问的人也行不了的神迹奇事,说话行事都有胆量和见识,坚守真理,勇敢指正罪恶,冒死前行传福音,并使瘸腿的人痊愈,活生生的站在他们面前,他们很稀奇,就认明彼得、约翰是跟过耶稣的。As the Holy Spirit descended upon them, they received power. Amen! Though they were born low, without education, Peter, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, performed many miracles that even learned people couldn't, speaking and acting with courage and insight. They upheld the truth, bravely rebuked sin, risked their lives to preach the gospel, and healed the lame, standing before them alive and well. They were extraordinary, and people recognized Peter and John as followers of Jesus.


主啊,求你赦免我的不信或小信,经上明明的说你拣选的有智慧的不多,有能力的不多,有尊贵的也不多,是为彰显你的权能和荣耀,因神的国不是靠势力和才能。Lord, forgive my unbelief or weak faith. The Scriptures clearly state that not many wise, powerful, or noble are chosen, but this is to showcase Your power and glory, for the kingdom of God is not about power and talent.我却总看我自己,不信你这宝贝在我这瓦器里可以显明你莫大的能力,使无知小民因信被圣灵掌权,可以活出不再是我乃是基督在我里面活的实际。Yet, I often look at myself, doubting that Your treasure in jars of clay can show that this all-surpassing power from You, allowing the ignorant selfbeing empowered by the Holy Spirit through faith, so that Ican live out not myself but the reality of Christ living within me.

主啊,我不再做有名无实的基督徒,我要成为你的真门徒,有为主殉道的心志,即或不然,死就死吧的信心,要被人认明我是跟随耶稣的门徒。Lord, I no longer want to be a Christian in name only. I want to be Your true disciple, with a willingness and determination to martyr myself for You without doubt, with faith that says, "Let death come if it must," to be recognized as a disciple of Jesus.主啊,从今以后不再浪费光阴,爱主不爱自己,倾倒我所有,只愿你的旨意成就。我蒙召就是为你死己的,越多的死,才有越多圣灵的能力。父啊,愿爱的人如日头出现,光辉烈烈,见证你的伟大奇妙作为。Lord, from now on, I won't waste time, but love You more than myself, pouring out everything I have, desiring only Your will to be done. I am called to die my old self for You, and the more I die, the more power of the Holy Spirit I receive. Father, may those who love You shine like the sun, radiating brilliantly, witnessing Your marvelous deeds.(郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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