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【徒4:12】除他以外,别无拯救;因为在天下人间,没有赐下别的名,我们可以靠着得救。【Acts 3: 12】Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.

发表于 2024-05-05

阿们!复活的主成为我们一切得救的根源,除他以外别无拯救,神何等爱照着他形象所创造的人,在罪恶的世界里人无法自救,还要面对将来神公义的审判。Amen! The resurrected Lord becomes the source of all our salvation. Apart from Him, there is no other savior. Oh, how great is the love of God for the people created in His image! In a world of sin, where people cannot save themselves, they will face the righteous judgment of God in the future.如此,耶稣来了,为照父的旨意行,他舍下尊贵华冕,道成肉身来到地上,为罪人甘心牺牲自己,把伟大的救恩带到这世界,让信的人不至灭亡反得永生。Thus, Jesus came according to the will of the Father. He laid aside His glorious crown and became flesh, willingly sacrificing Himself for sinners, bringing the great salvation to this world, so that those who believe may not perish but have eternal life.


人因不信就没有安全感,总以看得见的为可靠的,认为那些可以拯救自己,最终发现,一生走到尽头,原来势力才能,金银美食都不是自己的拯救,耗尽一生所有都是虚空。Because of unbelief, people lack security, relying on what is visible as reliable and thinking that those things can save them. Eventually, they find that throughout their lives, power, talents, wealth, and indulgence in food are not their salvation. In the end, all is vanity.因你大爱,领我回转归正,告诉我,除你以外别无拯救,惟有靠着耶稣基督的名才能得救,才能真正进入属天的安息。Because of Your great love, You lead me back to righteousness, telling me that apart from You, there is no other savior. Salvation is found only through Jesus Christ, enabling us to truly enter into the heavenly rest.


是的,耶稣从死里复活,要照亮坐在黑暗中死荫里的人,把我们的脚引到平安的路上。纵然使徒们遭受很大的逼迫,他们靠着圣灵所赐予的能力,放胆讲道,做耶稣复活的见证。Yes, Jesus rose from the dead to illuminate those sitting in the shadow of death and to guide our feet onto the path of peace. Even though the apostles faced great persecution, they boldly preached and testified to the resurrection of Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit.他的名超乎万民之上,胜过了一切的死亡、疾病、咒诅、阴间的权势,使在咒诅之下的人因着信而悔改有活泼的盼望。His name is above all nations, surpassing all powers of death, disease, curses, and the realm of the underworld, bringing lively hope to those under the curse who repent and believe.


哈利路亚,赞美主,我宣告:除你以外别无拯救,我相信耶稣是我唯一的救主,他在十字架上所流出的宝血洗去我们一切罪,他受的鞭伤苦痛来唤醒每一颗沉迷的心,离开恶道,不再做背道的儿女走向死亡,乃是以圣洁敬畏之心敬拜赞美主的圣名,献上自己为祭,Hallelujah, praise the Lord! I declare: apart from You, there is no other savior. I believe that Jesus is my only Savior. The precious blood He shed on the cross cleanses us from all sin. The wounds and pains He endured awaken every enslaved heart, turning away from evil paths, no longer walking as rebellious children towards death but worshipping and praising the holy name of the Lord with a heart of purity and reverence, offering ourselves as sacrifices.愿主圣灵彰显复活大能,除去魔鬼一切作为,你的拯救得胜在每一时刻。May the Holy Spirit manifest the power of resurrection, removing all works of the devil, and may Your salvation triumph in every moment.(郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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