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【徒3:26】神既兴起他的仆人(或作“儿子”),就先差他到你们这里来,赐福给你们,叫你们各人回转,离开罪恶。【Acts3:26】When God raised up his servant, he sent him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways."

发表于 2024-05-02

一个生来就是瘸腿的,得到神完全的医治,彼得见证是因为圣灵所赐的信心和他的名大有权柄能力所成就的事,更是见证神对选民的爱,神兴起他的儿子,并先差到神选民当中,为要赐福给他所爱的,劝他们认罪悔改,离开罪恶,安舒的日子就会从主面前来到。One who was born with a lame leg, received complete healing from God. Peter testified that it was accomplished by the faith given by the Holy Spirit and the authority and power in His name. It's a testimony to God's love for His chosen ones, as He raised His Son and sent Him first among the chosen ones to bless those He loves, urging them to repent and turn away from sin, promising that days of comfort will come from the Lord's presence.


因着爱,天父舍了他的独生爱子,为罪人做了挽回祭,他担当我们的过犯,背负我们的痛苦,他受鞭伤使我得医治,他受刑罚使我得平安,他被神兴起不是为自己,乃是我这个罪人,兴起的代价不是自己享受尊荣,而是为全人类的罪受尽苦痛,神的公义倾倒在他身上,他独自默默承受这一切,只为成就父的旨意。Out of love, the Heavenly Father sacrificed His only beloved Son as an atoning sacrifice for sinners. He bore our offenses, carried our pains, His wounds brought healing to me, His punishment brought peace to me. He was raised by God not for Himself, but for sinners like me. The price of His rising was not for His own honor, but to bear the pain of the sins of all humanity. God's righteousness was poured upon Him, silently enduring all this solely to fulfill the will of the Father.



Jesus, who rose from the dead, the Savior through whom all nations receive blessings, is now my Lord. This great salvation has come to bless God's people, so that, through this selfless love, a love that seeks no reward, a love that saves sinners but not oneself, our hearts are filled with gratitude, no longer kicking against the goads but acting out of thanksgiving, actively hating sin, turning back to God, obeying His commandments, and following in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus, living out love in wounds, embracing all that my Lord has done, bringing blessings to those around me.


祂对门徒说:父怎样差遣了我,我也照样差遣你们,耶稣把使人脱离罪而得安舒日子的责任赐给了门徒,叫人因他们得福的伟大使命如今也荣耀的落在我的肩上。He said to His disciples: "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." Jesus entrusted to the disciples the responsibility of bringing people into days of comfort free from sin, and now this great mission of bringing blessing to others, bringing glory, now falls on my shoulders.父啊,请你差遣我,效仿你的脚踪,流出宝血牺牲自己为万族因你而得福,愿这份舍己大爱催促我奔走十架道路,成为赐福的管道见证荣耀你的名。Father, please send me, let me follow in Your footsteps, shedding my blood as a sacrifice for all nations to find blessings in You. May this great self-sacrificing love urge me to walk the path of the cross, becoming a channel of blessing and witnessing to glorify Your name. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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