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【徒3:16】 我们因信他的名,他的名便叫你们所看见、所认识的这人健壮了。正是他所赐的信心,叫这人在你们众人面前全然好了。【Acts3:16】By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see.

发表于 2024-05-01

生来是瘸腿的人得了医治,完全康复了。A man who had been lame from birth was healed and completely recovered.众人觉得希奇时,彼得见证:是因着耶稣的名,使他们所认识的这人得了医治!When everyone marveled, Peter testified: It is by the name of Jesus that this man, known to you, was healed!耶稣的名,如此有能力!哈利路亚!祂名叫耶稣,祂是基督,是神的儿子,祂要把我们从罪恶中拯救出来!祂是得胜的君王!魔鬼听到祂的名字,也要远远下拜!The name of Jesus is so powerful! Hallelujah! His name is Jesus, He is the Christ, the Son of God, and He will save us from sins! He is the victorious King! Even the demons have heard His name and must worship at a distance!


耶稣本有神的形象,却降卑成为奴仆,把自己打造成什么都不是。Jesus, being in very nature God, humbled Himself to become a servant, making Himself nothing.祂为救我们顺服至死,且死在十字架上,父将祂升为至高,赐给祂超乎万有之上的名!He obeyed onto death to save us, even death on a cross, but God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name!叫一切在天上的、地上的和地底下的,无不因耶稣的名屈膝!So that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.疾病、死亡不能胜过耶稣的名。医治能力,救赎恩典,都因耶稣的名!Healing power, redeeming grace, all because of the name of Jesus!


人非有信,就不能得神的喜悦。Without faith, it is impossible to please God.彼得告诉我们:耶稣的名,籍着人的信,彰显出能力和荣耀。起初我们因信耶稣的名,得着权柄,成为神的儿女。Peter told us: Through faith in the name of Jesus, miracles and glory are revealed. By faith in Jesus' name, we received authority and became children of God.主啊,你是为我们的信心创始成终的耶稣,求圣灵带领我一直地信靠顺服,奉主耶稣的名,斥责一切不信、怀疑、谎言的灵出去和离开…Lord, You are the author and finisher of our faith. May the Holy Spirit lead me continually to trust and obey. In the name of the Lord Jesus, I rebuke every spirit of unbelief, doubt, and falsehood to depart and leave...


主啊,你的名本为大,本为圣,当受极大的赞美。Lord, Your name is great and holy, most worthy of praise.主啊,让我牢记你是谁,使我因信竭力宣告你的名,你是我的拯救,你是圣洁公义的主,你从死里复活,掌权到永远!…Lord, help me remember who You are, that I may boldly proclaim Your name in faith, for You are my salvation, the holy and righteous Lord who rose from the dead, reigning forever!…主啊,带领我们靠着你的名与罪恶争战,向仇敌夸胜……独有你的名配得被尊崇!Lord, lead us to wage war against sins by the power of Your name, triumphing over the enemy... Your name alone is worthy to be exalted!愿一切的荣耀、颂赞、权柄、能力都归耶稣的圣名! May all glory, praise, authority, and power be to the Holy name of Jesus! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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