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【徒3:16】我们因信他的名,他的名便叫你们所看见、所认识的这人健壮了。正是他所赐的信心,叫这人在你们众人面前全然好了。【Acts 3: 16】By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see.

发表于 2024-05-01

彼得说:“我奉拿撒勒人耶稣的名,叫你起来行走”的那一刻,耶稣的名就被高举起来,是耶稣治好了这个天生瘸腿的人。Peter said, "In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, walk," and at that moment, the name of Jesus was exalted, and it was Jesus who healed the man born lame.彼得进一步强调说,是耶稣的名成就这一切,藉着我们对耶稣之名的信心,叫这个人脚踝健壮、可以行走。是圣灵医治的大能治好了这个瘸腿的人。Peter further emphasized that it was the name of Jesus that accomplished all this, and through our faith in the name of Jesus, this man's ankles were strengthened, enabling him to walk. It was the mighty power of the Holy Spirit that healed this lame man.


耶稣的名超乎万名,是丰盛之主,是医治的活泉,医治人里面的一切的瘸腿。The name of Jesus is above all names, He is the Lord of abundance, the living fountain of healing, healing all kinds of lameness within people.因人的不信,偏行己路,把圣洁公义者弃绝并杀害了,他没有咒诅没有怨恨,在最痛的时候打开宽恕的门,把爱活到极处,用你宝贵的生命换回我们卑贱渺小的生命,饶恕接纳,体恤人的软弱,劝勉人悔改,使人得着救恩,免去神将来愤怒的审判。Despite humanity's unbelief and insistence on their own ways, rejecting and killing the holy and righteous one, He did not curse or hold grudges. Instead, at the most painful moment, He opened the door of forgiveness, manifested love to the utmost, exchanging His precious life for our insignificant ones, forgiving and accepting us, sympathizing with human weaknesses, urging repentance, bringing salvation to people, so that people can be saved from God’s wrath in the future judgment.


主啊,这份浩大的爱无法侧透,你为我死为我流泪,赐给我无尽的恩典,照着你所赐的信心,因着你的名,使我软弱得刚强,瞎眼得看见,疲乏得能力。Lord, this immense love is unfathomable; You died for me, shed tears for me, and bestowed upon me endless grace. By the faith You've granted me, through Your name, You strengthen my weakness, restore sight to my blindness, and infuse strength into my weariness.主啊,你坚固我,恢复我和你的关系,从今以后,我属于你,惟有你是我的主,因你的名重新把我召回,为你而活为你而死,因信的名经历生命的蜕变。Lord, You strengthen me, restore my relationship with You. From now on, I belong to You alone; only You are my Lord. By Your name, You call me back, to live and die for You, experiencing life's transformation through the power of faith.


耶稣你是生命之光,你是救赎主,你是医治者,你是信心的源头,圣灵大有能力的运行,属天的医治就会临到,彼得因信耶稣的名带下医治的能力。Jesus, You are the light of life, the Redeemer, the healer, the source of faith. As the Holy Spirit moves mightily, heavenly healing will come. Peter, by believing in the name of Jesus, brought healing power.主啊,我宣告:我信,你已复活你已得胜,我若信,就必看见神的荣耀,因你应许:你向我们这信的人所显的能力是何等浩大,使一切的不可能都成为可能,哈利路亚,赞美高举主耶稣至高的名。Lord, I declare I believe You have risen, You have overcome. If I believe, I will see the glory of God, for You promised: "The power You demonstrated to us who believe is so immense that it makes all impossibilities possible." Hallelujah! Praise and exalt the highest name of the Lord Jesus. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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