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【徒3:14-15】14你们弃绝了那圣洁公义者,反求着释放一个凶手给你们。 15你们杀了那生命的主, 神却叫他从死里复活了;我们都是为这事作见证。【Acts3:14-15】You disowned the Holy and Righteous One and asked that a murderer be released to you. You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this.

发表于 2024-04-29

耶稣被捕以后,彼得怕的要死,三次不认主,耶稣受难后,因怕犹太人,门徒们都躲了起来。After Jesus was arrested, Peter was terrified and denied knowing the Lord three times. After Jesus' crucifixion, the disciples all hid because they feared the Jewish authorities.现在彼得向围观神迹的众人讲耶稣,指出众人的罪:你们是杀耶稣的凶手!Now Peter, speaking to the crowd witnessing the miracles, pointed out their sin: 'You are the ones who killed Jesus!'彼得不再怕被打死吗?这何等胆量是哪里来的?Was Peter no longer afraid of being beaten to death? Where did this courage come from?耶稣复活以后,三次问彼得说,你爱我吗?你爱我比这些更深吗…在主的大爱里,彼得得着完全的医治…After Jesus' resurrection, He asked Peter three times, “Do you love me? Do you love me more than these?”…In the great love of the Lord, Peter received complete healing.主啊,你说:‘爱里没有惧怕;爱既完全,就把惧怕除去…’,彼得被圣灵充满,住在基督舍命大爱里,跟主耶稣一样,心里充满了怜悯和饶恕…Lord, You said, ‘There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…’, Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit, abiding in the sacrificial love of Christ, just like the Lord Jesus, his heart overflowing with compassion and forgiveness.知道这群犹太人,他的肉身兄弟们无知,他们所做的他们不晓得…He understood that these Jewish people, his flesh and blood brothers, were ignorant of what they were doing.虽然指出罪,但却是在爱中说真理,没有定罪感…耶稣的恩慈是领人悔改… Although pointing out their sin, it was done in love, without condemnation. Jesus' kindness leads people to repentance…


主啊,感谢你赐我们爱的道路,是出死入生、生命翻转最快的道路。Lord, we thank You for showing us the way of love, the quickest way from death to life, the complete transformation of life.求你也向我们开启你的爱:主为我们舍命,我们从此就知道何为爱,我们也当为弟兄舍命,真明白你的爱是在十字架里面,也能走上一条像彼得那样,爱的道路…天天住在神里面,就是住在神的爱里面,可以为弟兄舍命。May You also open to us Your love: as You laid down Your life for us, we then understand what love is, and we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters, truly understanding that Your love is found on the cross, and may we walk a path of love like Peter...to live daily in God is to live in His love, enabling us to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.耶稣为出卖祂的犹太弟兄们把命舍了,彼得,司提反,保罗也是,Jesus gave His life even for His Jewish brothers who betrayed Him, so did Peter, Stephen, and Paul.“为我弟兄、我骨肉之亲,就是自己被咒诅,与基督分离,我也愿意。” “For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race.” (Romans 9:3)愿我们聚会、团契天天背起自己的十字架,否定倒空自己,被圣灵充满,May we daily take up our own crosses, deny and empty ourselves, and be filled with the Holy Spirit, in our gatherings and fellowship. 愿所赐给我们的圣灵,将神的爱厚厚地浇灌在我们心里,使我们也成为勇敢无惧,不怕牺牲、刚强仁爱的彼得…May the Holy Spirit, given to us, pour God's love abundantly into our hearts, making us courageous and fearless, not to be afraid to sacrifice ourselves, strong and loving like Peter... (陈弟兄Brother Chen)


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