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【徒3:14-15】你们弃绝了那圣洁公义者,反求着释放一个凶手给你们。你们杀了那生命的主,神却叫他从死里复活了,我们都是为这事作见证。【Acts 3: 14-15】You disowned the Holy and Righteous One and asked that a murderer be released to you. You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this.

发表于 2024-04-28

圣灵大有能力的与彼得同在,借着瘫子被医治,他再次给以色列人讲解福音,重申他们弃绝的耶稣就是神的儿子,他是圣洁公义者,他是生命的主,更是死里复活的永生之主。The Holy Spirit was powerfully with Peter as he healed a crippled man, enabling him to once again preach the gospel to the Israelites. He reiterated that Jesus, whom they rejected, is the Son of God, the Holy and Righteous One, the Lord of life who was resurrected from the dead.彼得说:“你们杀了生命的主,是出于你们不知,但神藉众先知的口预言基督将要受害,这一切都是应验神的话,神却叫他从死里复活,并为这事作见证。” Peter said, "You killed the Author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this."


彼得见证耶稣基督从死里复活,见证耶稣伟大的爱,杀他、弃绝他、宁可释放凶手都要把他钉上十字架的人,谁能做到如此爱仇敌,把爱活在伤口,Peter bore witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, to His great love—He who was killed by those who rejected Him, who preferred to release a murderer and have Him crucified. Who else could love their enemies in such a way, keeping love alive even in the midst of wounds,在最痛的时候还在为杀他的人祈求:父啊,赦免他们,他们所行的他们不晓得,何等奇妙恩典,为救赎我们不惜一切代价。even in the most painful moments, praying for those who killed Him: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." What marvelous grace, given at such a cost to redeem us.


主啊,我就是那个弃绝你,钉你上十字架的凶手,把爱当恨,把暗当光的人,你却为了我赴各各他,受尽鞭伤刑罚,讥诮羞辱,你没有说一句话,赦免我一切的罪孽,医治我一切的疾病,并用你的一生将我从罪中挽回。Lord, I am the one who rejected You, the one who nailed You to the cross—a person who turned love into hatred, light into darkness. Yet for me, You endured Gethsemane, suffered beatings and scorn, speaking not a word, forgiving all my sins, healing all my diseases, and using Your life to redeem me from sin.圣洁公义的主,我拿什么报答这份厚恩呢?惟有将全人献上给你,此生爱你不渝。Holy and righteous Lord, how can I repay such abundant grace? Only by offering my entire being to You, loving You faithfully in this life.


主啊,忧伤痛悔的心你必不轻看,你赐下救恩,爱了我们这些仇敌,使我们从绝望中得着复活的盼望。Lord, You do not overlook a contrite and sorrowful heart; You bestowed salvation, loving us who were Your enemies, giving us hope of resurrection from despair.主啊,使徒们见证了耶稣的复活,甚至甘心情愿为主受逼迫、坐牢、殉道。Lord, the apostles witnessed the resurrection of Jesus, willingly enduring persecution, imprisonment, and martyrdom for His sake.主啊,我的生命属于你,此生效法跟随基督,爱神爱人,以善胜恶,活出爱的生命,照亮黑暗之地,吸引更多的灵魂归向你。Lord, my life belongs to You; in this life, I seek to follow Christ, loving God and others, overcoming evil with good (Romans 12:21), living a life of love, shining light in darkness, drawing more souls to You.(郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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