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【徒3:12】彼得看见,就对百姓说:“以色列人哪,为什么把这事当作希奇呢?为什么定睛看我们,以为我们凭自己的能力和虔诚使这人行走呢?【Acts3:12】When Peter saw this, he said to them: “Fellow Israelites, why does this surprise you? Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?

发表于 2024-04-26

在圣殿门口,一个生来瘸腿的人得了医治!这件事引起了哄动,众人都看得惊讶、希奇!At the temple gate, a man who had been lame from birth was healed! This event caused a commotion, and the people were astonished and amazed!人看不到神在哪里,只看到彼得行了一件大神迹:这个人的能力真大!They could not see where God was, but they only saw Peter performing a great miracle: “This man's power is truly great!”但是彼得真知道这不是自己的能力,也不是因为自己的虔诚,而是因着死里复活的耶稣的名!彼得竭力把人带到耶稣的面前。However, Peter knew that this was not his own power or because of his own godliness, but it was in the name of Jesus, who had risen from the dead! Peter made every effort to bring the man to Jesus.


彼得曾经相信自己对主有忠心,却三次不认主。Peter once believed he was loyal to the Lord, yet he denied the Lord three times.如今彼得真知道自己是何等的靠不住,不再荣耀高举自己,而是刚强壮胆地高举耶稣的名,见证耶稣的大能。But later, Peter truly understood how unreliable he was, no longer glorifying himself but boldly lifting up the name of Jesus, witnessing the great power of Jesus.主啊,求你赦免我,经历了神的真实,心里却暗暗地归荣耀给自己,忘了自己的本相,是何等的赤贫、瞎眼、无知…是你舍己的爱拯救了我。Lord, forgive me for secretly giving glory to myself after experiencing the truth of God, forgetting my own poverty, blindness, and ignorance... It is Your self-sacrificing love that has saved me.


主啊,离了你,我什么都不能做。当你把能力撤去时,我寸步难行。我是何等地需要紧紧依靠你!Lord, without You, I can do nothing. When You withdraw Your power, I am unable to take a single step. How much I need to rely onYou! 主啊,感谢你是那样的谦卑,不仅为我们舍命,赦免我们的罪,更是住在我们里面,你是何等愿意借着教会——你的儿女来彰显你的荣耀、智慧和权能。主,你更新了彼得,求你也更新我们…Lord, thank You for being so humble, not only sacrificing Yourself for us and forgiving our sins, but also dwelling within us, willing to manifest Your glory, wisdom, and power through Your Church—Your children. Lord, You renewed Peter; please also renew us...


主,惟有你配得一切的权柄、尊贵、荣耀和赞美!Lord, You are the only one worthy of all authority, honor, glory and praise!主啊,求圣灵掌管我,常思想你救恩的宝贵,不再依靠自己的能力,使我因信除去人前的虚荣、假冒、自欺,将这个旧人与你同钉十字架,让基督在我心中作王掌权,活出耶稣的荣美。Lord, may the Holy Spirit guide me, constantly reflecting on the preciousness of Your salvation, no longer relying on my own abilities, so that by faith I may get rid of vanity, hypocrisy, and self-deception before others, crucifying this old self with You, allowing Christ to reign in my heart and living out the beauty of Jesus.主啊,带领你的教会,更多彰显你的智慧能力,使万民也来渴慕认识你,得着你。Lord, lead Your Church to demonstrate more of Your wisdom and power, so that all nations may desire to know and receive You. (付传道PastorFu)


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