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【徒3:12】彼得看见,就对百姓说:“以色列人哪,为什么把这事当作希奇呢?为什么定睛看我们,以为我们凭自己的能力和虔诚使这人行走呢?【Acts 3: 12】When Peter saw this, he said to them: “Fellow Israelites, why does this surprise you? Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?

发表于 2024-04-25

当瘸腿得医治的神迹发生之后,彼得迎接一个大考试,众人以为是彼得本身的能力和虔诚使瘸腿可以行走,After the miraculous healing of the lame man, Peter faced a great test. Many believed it was Peter's own ability and piety that enabled the lame man to walk.彼得回到本位向众人说明,并不是靠自己的能力使瘸子行走,这一切的能力乃是出于复活的耶稣,他是医治的救主,生命的源头,However, Peter returned to his place among them and explained that it was not by his own power that the lame man walked, but all this power came from the risen Jesus, who is the healer, the source of life.彼得高举基督,谦卑隐藏自己,不偷窃神的荣耀,带领人认识神,使众人看见施行神迹的主。Peter lifted up Christ, humbly hiding himself, not stealing God's glory, but leading people to know God and see the Lord performing miracles.


感谢主,你实在是认识我,喜欢关注自己,骄傲自高、自夸、虚荣,总想给自己脸上贴金,骄傲来羞耻也来,没有圣灵同在的见证。Thank You, Lord, for truly knowing me and caring about me. Forgive my pride, arrogance, boasting, and vanity. I often try to glorify myself, but pride leads to shame and emptiness without the witness of the Holy Spirit.彼得给我深深的上了一课,任何时候都要知道自己是谁,并非倚靠自己能做什么事,知道自己不过是神的器皿,离了神什么都做不了,一切的权柄能力都是从神而来,时时关注耶稣,高举耶稣的名,将荣耀归于神。Peter taught me a profound lesson: always know who I am and not rely on my own abilities. I am merely a vessel of God; without Him, I can do nothing. All authority and power come from God. Keep my eyes on Jesus, lift His name high, and give all glory to God.


主啊,你借着神迹不是要我看稀奇,而是借着神迹让我来认识你这位神迹的主,耶稣基督,昨日、今日、一直到永远是一样的,救人脱离罪恶。Lord, through miracles, You do not intend to amaze me, but to help me know You, the God of miracles, Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever, saving people from sin.人看中身体的医治,你却看中灵魂的医治,借着耶稣的血使我悔改归正,罪得以涂抹,成为圣洁,经历你的医治。People focus on physical healing, but You focus on healing souls. Through Jesus' blood, I repent and turn back to righteousness, sins forgiven, made holy, experiencing Your healing.主啊,求你赐下智慧启示的灵,谦卑倚靠你,抓住每一个机会来传讲你的名。Lord, grant me a spirit of wisdom and revelation, humility, and reliance on You, seizing every opportunity to proclaim Your Name.


施行神迹的神,复活的主,我赞美你,圣灵来了,万事都因你而复兴,都高举神为大,愿你所赐的信心充满这地。 God of miracles, risen Lord, I praise You. Holy Spirit, revive all things by Your presence, exalting God above all. May the faith You give fill this earth.主啊,求你赦免我们的罪,洁净我们的心,愿你赐下悔改的灵,我们就转离自己的恶行,回转到你的面前,完全顺服你旨意,活出不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活的实际,燃起属灵复兴。Lord, forgive our sins, cleanse our hearts, grant us a spirit of repentance that we turn from our wicked ways and return to You, fully obedient to Your will, living not for myself but Christ living in me, igniting spiritual revival.(郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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