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【徒3: 6】彼得说:“金银我都没有,只把我所有的给你。我奉拿撒勒人耶稣基督的名,叫你起来行走!”【Acts3:6】Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”

发表于 2024-04-25

这个生来瘸腿的人,天天在圣殿门口仰望人的周济,向人乞讨钱财,却没有经历过神。然而他遇见了使徒,经历了神迹。This man, born lame, sat every day at the temple gate to beg from those going into the temple courts, yet he had never experienced the power of God until he encountered the apostles and witnessed a miracle.彼得说:“我没有你想要的金银,但把我所有的,最宝贵的给你。我奉拿撒勒人耶稣基督的名,叫你起来行走!” Peter said, “I don't have the silver or gold you desire, but I give you all that I have, the most precious of all. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!”靠着耶稣的名,这个人得了医治,走着、跳着赞美神。By the name of Jesus, this man was healed, walking and jumping, and praising God.


耶稣上十字架之后,门徒没有吃的,彼得最先说:我打鱼去!After Jesus was crucified, the disciples found themselves lacking food. Peter was the first to say, “I'm going fishing!”耶稣复活以后,门徒再次领受呼召和使命,经历圣灵的浇灌,他们真实地撇下一切跟从主。After Jesus'resurrection, the disciples received a renewed call and mission, experiencing the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. They truly left everything to follow the Lord.彼得没有金银,也没有羞耻,因他以耶稣为生命中最宝贵的。Peter had neither silver nor gold, nor any shame, for he counted Jesus as the most precious thing in his life.他大有信心、权柄、能力,行出神迹,见证耶稣的复活,使耶稣的名被高举,得了荣耀! With great faith, authority, and power, he performed miracles, testified to the resurrection of Jesus, exalting His name and bringing glory to Him!


主,求你赦免我,多少时候向人乞讨爱、称赞、肯定…指望从人那里得什么,Lord, forgive me for the times I have sought love, praise, and affirmation from others, expecting to get something from others.人自己都在破碎中,怎能给出自己没有的东西呢?How can someone give what they themselves do not possess, especially when they are broken?很多时候,我们到神的殿中敬拜祷告,只为了向主求钱财、求工作、求成功、求主帮我解决难处…却不晓得神有无限的大能和丰富,祂要给我们的,远超过我们所求所想的。Many times, we come to God’s temple to worship and pray, only to ask for money, jobs, success, or solutions to our problems…unaware of God’s infinite power and abundance, which far exceeds all that we ask or imagine.


主,感谢你来到地上,倾倒自己,不仅让我得生命,还要得丰盛的生命。Lord, thank You for coming to earth, pouring out Your life, not only giving me life but also abundant life.主,你是何等宝贵,多少金银也不能换来。今天我里面有多少被基督掌权,才能带出多少的权能。Lord, You are so precious, worth more than any silver or gold. Today, how much of me is under the reign of Christ, that I may manifest His power?主啊,求你带领我也倒空自己,丢弃自己看为宝贵的金银、面子、虚荣…看作粪土,单以得着耶稣为至宝,活出耶稣的性情,荣耀你的圣名。Lord, lead me to empty myself, to discard what I hold dear - silver, gold, pride, vanity - considering them garbage, and to count gaining Jesus as the ultimate treasure, living out Jesus’ nature, and glorifying Your Holy Name. (付传道PastorFu)


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