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【徒 2:46-47】46他们天天同心合意恒切地在殿里,且在家中擘饼,存着欢喜、诚实的心用饭, 47赞美 神,得众民的喜爱。主将得救的人天天加给他们。【Acts2:46-47】46Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

发表于 2024-04-22

当圣灵浇灌下来的时候,耶路撒冷教会一天就增加三千人,人数在不断地增加。When the Holy Spirit was poured out, the Jerusalem church grew by three thousand in a single day, and the numbers kept increasing.信的人真实地遇见复活的主,经历到祂的大能,就开始把自己的物品拿出来共用,甚至变卖田产、家业,去供应有需要的人,欢喜快乐地分享食物。When all the believers truly encountered the risen Lord, experiencing His power, they began to share their possessions, even selling their property and possessions to give to those in need, joyfully shared their food.他们同心合意恒切地祷告、擘饼、赞美神。主将得救的人天天加给他们。They continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread, praising God. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.


这是何等复兴的场景!复兴的背后,除了圣灵的能力,还有人甘心地顺服和完全地献上。What a scene of revival! Behind this revival, besides the power of the Holy Spirit, there was willing obedience and complete dedication from the people.曾经耶稣呼召一个青年财主:变卖你一切所有的,分给穷人,你还要来跟从我。青年财主忧忧愁愁地走了。Once Jesus called a rich young man: "Sell everything you have and give to the poor. Then come, follow me." The young man went away very sad because he was very wealthy.耶稣说:依靠钱财的人,进神的国是何等地难呢!有多少人说,这样的献上是无法持久的,会坐吃山空。Jesus said: “How hard it is to enter the kingdom of God!” Many people say that such offering is not sustainable and will lead to eating away one's fortune.


然而,历世历代,有许多“财主”,回应了这爱的呼召,他们放弃万贯家产,变卖一切所有,甚至舍弃生命,However, throughout history, many "rich" responded to this call of love. They gave up their vast wealth, selling all their possessions, and even sacrificing their lives.所到之处都在擘饼,使饥饿的得饱足,使赤身的得遮盖,使贫穷的得祝福,福音临到千万家,成为万民的祝福。Wherever they went, they broke bread, satisfying the hungry, covering the naked, and blessing the poor. The gospel reached millions of homes, becoming a blessing to all nations.万有的主宰是他们供应的源头。他们也得着在耶稣基督里的自由、富足和丰盛。The Lord of all was the source of their provision. They also received freedom, abundance, and richness in Jesus Christ.


主啊,谢谢你擘开自己的身体,使我们得饱足。主啊,我们亲身经历过这样的复兴!Lord, thank You for breaking Your body to satisfy us. Lord, we have personally experienced such revival!主,求你继续将得救的人天天加给我们,更求你使用我们也成为祝福的管道,Lord, continue to add to our number daily those who are being saved, and use us as channels of blessings.带领我们因信竭力争战,胜过自私、惧怕、忧虑、不信,擘开自己,献上自己全所有,去接待付出、舍己爱人,使万民都归向神的国度。Lead us to fight the good fight of faith, overcomeselfishness, fear, worry, and unbelief, break ourselves and dedicate everything we have, receive and sacrifice ourselves, love others, so that all nations may turn to the Kingdom of God. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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