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【徒 2:24】神却将死的痛苦解释了,叫他复活,因为他原不能被死拘禁。【Acts2:14】But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him.

发表于 2024-04-17

基督受苦、受痛、受死,被钉在十字架上杀了,是按着主的定旨先见。Christ suffered, endured pain, died, and was put to death by nailing Him to the cross, according to the Lord’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge.他被挂在木头上,亲身担当了我们的罪,使我们既然在罪上死,就得以在义上活。因他受的鞭伤,我们便得了医治。“He Himself bore our sins” in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by His wounds You have been healed.”(1 Peter 2:24)耶稣基督为我的罪,被拘禁,被死亡捆绑,然而,神的公义因耶稣的顺服,成了,因为祂原不能被死拘禁,神使祂复活,将祂高举,耶稣基督成为得胜君王。Jesus Christ, for my sins, was imprisoned, bound by death; yet, God's righteousness was accomplished through Jesus' obedience, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on Him; God raised Him up, exalting Him, Jesus Christ becoming the victorious King.


哈利路亚,主耶稣已经复活,在世上找不到他的坟墓,他已经挪开咒诅和羞辱,战胜了死亡,成就了这伟大的救赎计划。Hallelujah, the Lord Jesus has risen, and His tomb cannot be found on the earth; He has removed curses and shame, conquered death, and fulfilled this great plan of redemption.何等奇妙恩典,为救我不惜一切代价,使我们还活着的人不再为自己活,乃是为死而复活的主活。What marvelous grace, at any cost to save me, so that we who are alive may no longer live for ourselves but for the Lord who has resurrected from death.


我们若靠基督只在今生有指望,就算比众人更可怜。If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied(1 Corinthians 15:19).如今,圣灵的风吹进了每一颗枯干的心灵,使我的灵魂再次的苏醒,得胜的主成为那永活的盼望,不再被惧怕捆锁,死亡拘禁。Now, the wind of the Holy Spirit blows into every dry soul, awakening my spirit again, the victorious Lord becoming the everlasting hope, no longer bound by fear, nor imprisoned by death.主啊,我的生命不再停留,我要经历你复活的大能,经历你的医治和真平安。Lord, my life no longer stands still; I will experience the power of Your resurrection, and experience Your healing and true peace.


从古到今,多少属灵伟人不怕死,不以自己的性命为念,也不以自己的性命为宝贵,宁愿殉道也不舍弃福音,因他们深知主的复活,From ancient times to the present, many spiritual leaders are not afraid of death, do not consider their own lives, nor do they regard their own lives as precious. They would rather be martyrs than give up the gospel because they know well the resurrection of the Lord.用自己的血为主作见证,并与耶稣基督的苦杯有份,献上自己为馨香的祭物。They bear witness with their blood and share in the cup of Jesus Christ, offering themselves as a fragrant sacrifice.主啊,愿感动他们的灵加倍地感动我,感动你的教会,不怕死,为神国燃烧自己,复兴这个世代。Lord, may the spirit that moved them move me greatly, move your church, so that we are not afraid of death, burn ourselves for the kingdom of God, and revive this generation.(郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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