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【徒 2:17】神说,在末后的日子,我要将我的灵浇灌凡有血气的,你们的儿女要说预言,你们的少年人要见异象,老年人要作异梦。【Acts 2:17】“ ‘In the last days,' God says, 'I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.'

发表于 2024-04-14

从主耶稣升天到现在都是末后的日子,神要用祂的灵浇灌我们每一个人的应许没有改变。可为什么得异梦异象,得圣灵浇灌,大有能力的人不是很多呢?"From the ascension of the Lord Jesus until now, it is still the last days, and the promise of God to pour out His Spirit on each one of us remains unchanged. But why aren't there many powerful people who have dreams, visions, and the outpouring power  of the Holy Spirit? 当门徒们聚焦的时候,他们的心是渴慕复兴的,他们问你说:‘主啊,你复兴以色列国就在这时候吗?’主马上纠正他们,不单单是以色列国,而是万国万民要做主的门徒,福音要从耶路撒冷传到万国万民…When the disciples gathered together, their hearts were longing for revival. They asked, 'Lord, is it at this time that you will restore the kingdom to Israel?' The Lord immediately corrected them, saying it was not just about Israel, but about all nations, peoples becoming disciples of the Lord, and the Gospel spreading from Jerusalem to all nations...门徒们立刻领受训诲,一刻没有歇息,立刻回到耶路撒冷,开始同心合意的恒切祷告…悔改求圣灵更新他们旧皮带,倒空自己,就迎来了五旬节的圣灵大浇灌,引爆复兴… The disciples immediately received the teaching, without a moment of delay. They immediately returned to Jerusalem, and started praying earnestly with one accord... Repenting and seeking the Holy Spirit to renew their old wineskins, emptying themselves for the exchange of the filling of the Holy Spirit, and then  came the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, igniting revival...

主啊,我渴慕复兴吗?我每主日聚会听道的时候,我的心在干什么?我渴慕要想听到神对我说话光照我吗?我渴慕被主纠正吗,好像门徒们聚集聆听主的训诲吗?Lord, do I long for revival? What is my heart doing when I listen to the preaching every Sunday? Do I yearn to hear God speak to me and enlighten me? Do I desire to be corrected by the Lord, just like the disciples gathered to listen to the teaching of the Lord?我渴慕神国降临吗?我渴慕成为被神使用的器皿吗?我愿意否定倒空自己,好被圣灵充满吗?真知道神要做新事,圣灵浇灌,新酒不能装到旧皮带里,恐怕两样都要坏了? Do I long for the kingdom of God to come? Do I yearn to become a vessel used by God? Am I willing to deny myself and be filled with the Holy Spirit? Do I truly understand the new thing that God is doing, and recognise that the new wine cannot be poured into old wineskins, lest both are ruined? 当我看见别人被圣灵浇灌,做异梦、见异象、上台讲道,大有能力作见证的时候,我的心如何反应?我会嫉妒、比较、争竞、不服、苦毒人、埋怨神呢?还是看见自己心里的污秽,知道自己想得这些恩赐的动机,是贪图在人面前的虚荣骄傲,只是为了高举自己!When I see others being filled with the Holy Spirit, dreaming dreams, seeing visions, preaching powerfully, how does my heart react? Am I jealous, comparing, competing, unwilling to submit, bitter, blaming God? Or do I recognize the filth in my own heart, knowing that my motives for desiring these gifts may be rooted in seeking vanity and pride, merely to exalt the self? 立刻求圣灵治死里面的旧人,悔改洁净自己的心,欢欢喜喜祝福别人比自己强,愿别人都能被神大大使用!知道神赐福谦卑的人,拦阻骄傲的人!If so, I’ll immediately ask the Holy Spirit to put death the old self, repent and cleanse my heart. I’ll then rejoice in blessing others, and pray that everyone can be greatly used by God! For He blesses the humble and opposes the proud! 

主啊,我求你时时提醒我,在我说话做事时,时时来到你面前,求你监察我内心的动机,一蒙光照,就立刻起来跟罪争战,拒绝羞耻感,求你复兴我的圣洁,预备我被圣灵浇灌。当这些恩赐放到我身上,不是被骄傲败坏,而是被建立,被主你使用,成为多人的祝福。Lord, I pray that You’ll always remind me to come before You when I speak and act, help me to examine the motives of my heart, pray to fight against the selfish desires when I am enlightened, to push back feelings of shame, and ask You to restore me to holiness, preparing me to be filled with the Holy Spirit. If these gifts are bestowed upon me, may they not be corrupted by pride, but be built up and used by You, Lord, to bless many."(陈弟兄Brother Chan)


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