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【徒1:14】这些人同着几个妇人和耶稣的母亲马利亚,并耶稣的弟兄,都同心合意地恒切祷告。 【Acts1:14】They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers

发表于 2024-04-12

曾经耶稣三次说自己要受死,并要复活,门徒没有听进去。Jesus had said three times that He would die and rise again, but the disciples didn't grasp it.耶稣被出卖,门徒都逃跑了。听说耶稣复活了,门徒仍是不信。When Jesus was betrayed, the disciples all fled. Even upon hearing of Jesus' resurrection, they still didn't believe it. 耶稣复活后,向门徒显现,将天国的事讲明。After Jesus rose, He appeared to the disciples and explained the things concerning the kingdom of heaven. 耶稣嘱咐他们:不要离开耶路撒冷,要等候父所应许的圣灵降临。He gave them this command: Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, Holy Spirit.


门徒和耶稣肉身的弟兄,都不再怀疑,不再关注自己,不再争竞、嫉妒,The disciples, along with Jesus' earthly brothers, no longer doubted or focused on themselves,  competed or envied. 而是完全地信靠顺服,同心合意地照着主的旨意恒切地祷告祈求。Instead, they trusted and obeyed the Lord completely, joining together constantly in prayer according to the will of the Lord.耶稣没有告诉他们,要等多久,祈求到什么时候?Jesus didn't tell them how long they would have to wait and pray.他们因信,充满盼望地在合一中恒切祷告。十天之后,五旬节的火降下来,教会被建立,福音被传到地极。Yet, by faith, they prayed together constantly with hope. Ten days later, the fire of Pentecost descended, the church was established, and the gospel was spread to the ends of the earth...


门徒从耶稣那里承接使命,初代教会的大复兴,历世历代复兴的浪潮,圣灵大有能力地降临,都是从同心合意恒切祷告开始的。The disciples inherited the mission from Jesus, the great revival of the early church, the waves of revival throughout history, the powerful descent of the Holy Spirit—all began with joining together in prayer constantly.当我们除去自我中心的罪和私欲,意念相同,爱心相同,有一样的心思,有一样的意念,照着神的旨意,恒切祷告时,就看见祷告能摇动主的手,祷告能震动仇敌的城门…When we rid ourselves of selfish desires and sins, become like-minded, have the same love, become one in spirit and of one mind, and pray constantly according to God's will, we’ll see prayer opening heaven and shaking the gates of the enemy...


主啊,求你赐复兴之火,燃烧教会,复兴你的子民!Lord, grant us the fire of revival, to ignite the church and revive Your people! 我们渴望看到神的国大有能力地降临!主啊,这也是你的心愿!We long to see the power of Your kingdom come, Lord, as it is also Your desire! 求主兴起我们,与你同心,以父的事为念,付上代价,跪在你的应许上,为万国万民恒切祷告祈求,使世界得知你的道路,万国得知你的救恩,使万国万民都归神的国度!Awaken us, Lord, grant us Your heart, guide us to be about the Father's business, to pay the price, to kneel upon Your promises, and to pray constantly for all nations and peoples, so that (Psalm 67:2) Your ways may be known on earth, Your salvation be found among all nations, and that all nations and peoples may come to Your kingdom!(付传道Pastor Fu)


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