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【徒1:14】这些人同着几个妇人和耶稣的母亲马利亚,并耶稣的弟兄,都同心合意地恒切祷告。【Acts1:14】They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.

发表于 2024-04-11

他们这些人,都是耶稣在地上最亲近的人, These people, were the closest to Jesus on earth. 他们聚集在一起,遵行耶稣的吩咐,等候父所应许的圣灵, They gathered together, followed Jesus' commands, and waited for the Holy Spirit promised by the Father.圣灵降临在他们身上,他们就得着能力,在地上建立教会,叫教会得着能力。 When the Holy Spirit came upon them, they received the power to establish the church on earth, so that the church might receive power. 耶稣基督升天之后,门徒的生命发生了新的变化,在信心里同心合意地恒切祷告祈求圣灵降临,做成他的工。 After Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, the disciples' lives underwent a new change. They all joined together constantly in prayer with faith, seeking the Holy Spirit to come and fulfill His work.


同心合意恒切祷告,同心合意是同有一个心志,同有一个目的,恒切是一种坚忍的态度,不放弃的态度。They all joined together constantly in prayer. “Joined together” means having one mind, one purpose, and “constantly” means a steadfast attitude, a stance of not giving up.他们锲而不舍的祷告,同心合意盼望神的国度降临,圣灵浇灌下来,主耶稣的应许可以成就。阿们!They persevered to pray and joined together in hopeful anticipation of the kingdom of God coming down, the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, and the fulfillment of the promise of the Lord Jesus. Amen!求主赐我不灰心、恒切祷告的力量,求主圣灵浇灌我,除去肉体里的自义、自私、看不惯、恼怒……谦卑回转,使我不冷不热的心能向你活过来。May the Lord grant me the strength not to lose heart and to pray fervently. May the Holy Spirit pour out on me, removing the self-righteousness, selfishness, intolerance, anger, and other sins in my flesh, turning me to be humble so that my lukewarm heart can be revived to live for You.


多少属灵伟人宁可牺牲生命来换取神国复兴, Many spiritual leaders are willing to sacrifice their lives for the revival of the kingdom of God,我也要进入这复兴的浪潮,效仿他们如同他们效仿你,为复兴我要起来对付罪,因为神是圣洁的。 Lord, I also want to enter this wave of revival, imitating them as they imitated You, rising up to confront sin for revival, for God is Holy. 神是喜欢公义,恨恶罪恶的神,与世俗为友,就是与神为敌了。 God loves righteousness and hates sin. If we befriend the world, we become enemies of God. 主啊,为要得着圣灵的浇灌,将我里面的骄傲、世俗、肉体私欲各种的罪全然倒空,预备心迎接考试,警醒祷告,听命神而行,只愿你的旨意成就。Lord, to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, empty me of pride, worldliness, and all kinds of sins, and prepare my heart to face the test, to be vigilant in prayer, to obey God's commands, and to only desire Your will to be done. 


呼吁耶和华的,你们不要歇息,也不要使他歇息。You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest and give Him no rest. 神盼望我的祷告不是有口无心的祷告,而是竭尽全力,坚持不懈恒切地祷告,祂就会不断地作工。 God desires that my prayer is not empty words (superficial), but rather, I should pray with all my strength, persistently and fervently, and He will continue to work.主啊,带领我祷告不要歇息,Lord, lead me to pray without ceasing.因着耶稣基督的十字架,你的谦卑舍命,受死复活,给了我复兴的盼望。Because of the cross of Jesus Christ, Your humility, sacrifice, death, and resurrection have given me the hope of revival. 复兴从我开始,复兴从祷告开始,同心合意地恒切祷告, Revival with me, revival with prayer, with joining together constantly in prayer. 愿那在教会历史中推动复兴的灵,今天加倍临到我们。May the Holy Spirit that has propelled revival throughout church history be poured out upon us abundantly today. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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