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【徒1:8】但圣灵降临在你们身上,你们就必得着能力;并要在耶路撒冷、犹太全地和撒马利亚,直到地极,作我的见证。”【Acts‬1:8】"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

发表于 2024-04-09

耶稣在复活后,向门徒显现讲说神国的事, After Jesus' resurrection, He appeared to His disciples and spoke to them about the kingdom of God. 耶稣说要他们不要离开耶路撒冷,要等候父所应许的,圣灵要降临在他们身上, Jesus instructed them not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for the Father's promise, that the Holy Spirit would come upon them. 耶稣告诉门徒,属灵国度的复兴是靠着圣灵的能力,只有得着圣灵了才有能力为主做见证。Jesus told His disciples that the revival of the spiritual kingdom relied on the power of the Holy Spirit, and only with the Holy Spirit could they bear witness for the Lord.


经上说:不是倚靠势力不是倚靠才能,乃是倚靠耶和华的灵方能成事, The Scriptures say, "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit," says the Lord Almighty. 若不是从上头来的我什么也做不了。Without coming from heaven, I can do nothing. 属地的不能做属天的事情,惟有和圣灵建立亲密的关系,得着从圣灵而来的启示才能做神要我做的事。 People living in the flesh cannot accomplish heavenly tasks. Only by establishing a close relationship with the Holy Spirit and receiving revelations from Him can I do what God wants me to do.圣灵降在我身上,我必得着能力,圣灵就好像一把钥匙,为我打开真理之门,带我进入一切的真理,才能明白他一切的奥秘。 I will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on me. The Holy Spirit is like a key, opening the door to truth and leading me into all truths, enabling me to understand all mysteries.

很多的时候,我渴望我的生命得到翻转和改变, Many times, I long for transformation and changes in my life. 靠自己很努力改变现状,但很多的时候我都是经历失败,无望。I try hard to change my situation by myself but often end up experiencing failure and hopelessness. 主啊,如今你从死里复活,以圣灵的形式住在我里面,我呼求你,你就应允我,鼓励我,使我有能力胜过这个旧造的老生命,胜过罪的能力。 Lord, You have risen from the dead and now dwell within me in the form of the Holy Spirit. When I called, You answered me and encouraged me, giving me the power to overcome the old life of the flesh and the power of sin.圣灵有更新和改变生命的能力。我若顺从肉体活着,必要死;若靠着圣灵治死身体的恶行,必要活着。 The Holy Spirit has the power to renew and change lives. If I live by the flesh, I will die; but if I live by the Holy Spirit and put to death the misdeeds of the body, I will live.


主啊,你救我不救你自己, Lord, You saved me when You didn't save Yourself. 你舍弃荣耀宝座,降卑在冰冷的马槽,受尽人间疾苦,遭受世间羞辱,为我的罪被钉在十字架,三天后从死里复活。 You abandoned Your glorious throne, humbled Yourself in a cold manger, endured the suffering of this world, endured the shame of the world, was crucified for my sins, and rose from the dead three days later. 何等恩典,蒙你拯救,圣灵降在我身上,我必得着能力,我不再属于我自己,乃是属于你, What grace it is to be saved by You! I will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on me. I no longer belong to myself; I belong to You. 如今我活着,靠圣灵行事,有你的光照在人前,向世人见证主的荣美,叫人看见我生命的改变,便将荣耀归给在天上的父。 Now, as I live, I act by the Holy Spirit, with Your light shining from me, bearing witness to the glory of the Lord, so that others may see the change in my life and give glory to our Father in heaven. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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