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【 可16:20】门徒出去,到处宣传福音。主和他们同工,用神迹随着,证实所传的道。阿们!【Mark16:20】Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it. Amen.

发表于 2024-04-07

从前门徒跟着道成肉身的耶稣,听天国的福音,看耶稣行神迹。In the past, the disciples followed Jesus, the incarnate Word, listened to the gospel of the kingdom, and witnessed Jesus performing miracles. 如今耶稣从死里复活,回到天父那里,并把大使命赐给祂的门徒。Now Jesus has risen from the dead, returned to the Father in heaven, and bestowed the Great Commission upon His disciples. 耶稣不再是在外面,而是以圣灵的形式住在我们里面。 Jesus is no longer physically present among us but resides within us in the form of the Holy Spirit. 门徒出去,到处宣传天国的福音,传扬悔改的道, The disciples went out and preached the gospel of the kingdom everywhere, proclaiming the way of repentance. 主和他们同工,用神迹证实所传的道,使人知道神活着。The Lord worked alongside them, confirming the word with miracles, making people aware that God is alive.


哦,主耶稣,感谢你舍了自己的生命,成就这浩大的救恩,不仅使我们罪得赦免,得着新生;更有圣灵——神自己住在我们里面,永不离开!Oh, Lord Jesus, we thank You for sacrificing Your life to accomplish this great salvation, not only forgiving our sins and giving us new life but also giving us the Holy Spirit—God Yourself dwelling within us, never to leave! 我们是你的子民,你是我们的神! We are Your people, and You are our God! 神要与人同住,神的帐幕在人间,神与人同工,何等的恩典! What grace it is for God to dwell with humanity, for the tabernacle of God to be among us, for God to work alongside us! 神国度的降临,正借着教会,借着信而跟随的门徒得以彰显。The coming of the kingdom of God is being manifested through the church and through disciples who follow in faith.


我们传福音,不独在乎言语。When we preach the gospel, it's not just about words.人如何知道我们所传的道是真的.How will people know that what we preach is true? 主与门徒同工,祂在地上所行的神迹:医病赶鬼、瞎眼得看见,死人复活…The Lord works alongside the disciples, performing miracles on earth: healing the sick, casting out demons, giving sight to the blind, raising the dead...正借着门徒继续传承延续,使人看到:真的有神!神知道我的一切!神的话是真的!神能救我!我要离弃一切的虚假和谎言,来跟随这位又真又活的神! It is through the ongoing mission and continuation by the disciples that people see: that there is indeed a God! God knows all about me! God's word is true! God can save me! I will forsake all falsehood and lies to follow this true and living God!


主啊,带领我与你同工,使我不再依靠血肉的膀臂去做事。Lord, lead me to work alongside You so that I no longer rely on my own strength.在家庭、职场、教会中,使我倒空自己,谦卑仰望依靠你。In my family, workplace, and church, empty me, humble me, and help me rely on You. 圣灵,求你掌管我的心,引导我顺服真理,经历生命的更新和翻转,用谦卑、舍己、爱的生命来见证自己所传的道, Holy Spirit, take control of my heart, guide me to obey the truth, experience the renewal and transformation of life, and witness the gospel with humility, self-sacrifice, and love,使人看到的不再是我,而是耶稣在我里面活着,也来归向你! so that people no longer see me but Jesus living in me, drawing them to You! 付传道Pastor Fu


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