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【可16:20】门徒出去,到处宣传福音。主和他们同工,用神迹随着,证实所传的道。阿们!【Mark16:20】Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it. Amen.

发表于 2024-04-05

门徒在耶稣升天之后,他们领受责备悔改,带着他们的大使命,存着盼望和信心,踏出传福音的脚步。After Jesus ascended into heaven, the disciples received the commission to preach repentance, carrying their great mission with hope and faith, stepping out to spread the gospel.此时的他们,到处宣传福音,不是因为他们能行神迹,而是因为他们真的相信耶稣基督,并他口里所出的话,主和他们同工,用神迹随着,证实所传的道。At this moment, as they spread the gospel everywhere, it wasn't because they could perform miracles, but because they truly believed in Jesus Christ. The Lord worked alongside them, confirming the message with signs that accompanied it.


主的心意是宁可万人得救,明白真道,不愿一人沉沦,The Lord‘s will is to have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth, and not wanting anyone to perish,门徒带着神的托付,勇敢的走出去,不畏艰险、挑战,为大使命顺服舍己,把爱传到每一个角落。The disciples, entrusted by God, bravely went out, unafraid of difficulties and challenges, obediently sacrificing themselves for the great mission, spreading love to people in every corner.耶稣基督为福音来到地上,一边传道,一边施行神迹,帮助人认识神的大能。Jesus Christ came to earth for the gospel, preaching while performing miracles, to help people recognize the power of God.何等恩典,你竟然在乎我,你的宝血为我流,虽然我悖逆不信,与你为仇,但你依然爱我,依然差遣你的仆人提醒我回转。 What grace, that You care for me, Your precious blood shed for me. Though I rebelled in unbelief and enmity against You, You still love me, still sending Your servants to remind me to turn back.

主啊,你救我不救你自己,在客西马尼园的恳切祈求,只愿神的旨意成就,使我得了这份宝贵的救恩,Lord, You saved me at the cost of Your own life, and in the earnest prayer at Gethsemane, You only desired God's will to be done, granting me this precious salvation,主啊,我白白的得了这份救恩,我愿意白白的给出去,Lord, I received this salvation freely, I'm willing to give it freely,若没有你的死己牺牲,没有那些宣教士洒下的血种,我怎能听到这宝贵的福音呢?Without Your sacrificial death, without the blood shed by those missionaries, how could I hear this precious gospel?是的,除你以外别无拯救,天下人间没有赐下别的名可以靠着得救。Yes, Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we can be saved.


主啊,你的一生,十字架的爱,你的复活,征服万人的心,今天我的心再次被你征服,Lord, Your life, Your love on the cross and Your resurrection, touched the hearts of millions. Today, my heart is once again touched by You.主啊,我是你手中的器皿,是你建造的房屋,Lord, I am the vessel in Your hands, the house You built.我自洁屈膝在你面前,领受这大使命,I cleanse myself, kneeling before you, and receiving this great mission.离开自己的舒适圈,效仿门徒走出去,丧掉自己,为福音大发热心,为教会的兴旺,为福音的广传,献上自己为你而活,I step out of my comfort zone, following the footsteps of the disciples, denying myself, burning with zeal for the gospel, for the prosperity of the church, dedicating myself to spreading of the gospel everywhere.求你与我同工,使我的生命中充满你走过的痕迹讨你喜悦。I pray that You work with me, that my life may be filled with the traces of Your presence, to please You.(郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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