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【可16: 17-18】信的人必有神迹随着他们:就是奉我的名赶鬼,说新方言,手能拿蛇,若喝了什么毒物,也必不受害,手按病人,病人就必好了。”【Mark 16:17-18】And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

发表于 2024-04-04

这些神迹不是我们天然人的特异功能,而是属天国度得胜黑暗权势的权能。These miracles are not the natural abilities of ordinary people, but the authority of the Kingdom of Heaven that has triumphed over the powers of darkness.耶稣说:‘我实实在在地告诉你们:我所作的事,信我的人也要作;并且要作比这更大的事,因为我往父那里去。Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."’耶稣乐意让祂的权能、神迹从有信心的人身上行出来,在地上继续祂国度的权能事奉,完成祂的大使命。Jesus is willing to manifest His authority and miracles through those who have faith, continuing His Kingdom's work on earth and fulfilling His great commission.


主啊,感谢你向我们开启信心的奥秘,耶稣就是我们信心的创始成终,你十字架的道路就是我们信心成长的过程。Lord, thank You for revealing the mysteries of faith to us. Jesus is the beginning and the end of our faith, and the path of Your cross is the process of our faith growth. 主感谢你,让我们知道,信心不在乎我们的肉体,不在乎我去多少次聚会,听多少道,读多少经,搞多少宗教活动…Thank You, Lord, for teaching us that faith is not about our flesh, not about how many times we attend the congregations, listen to sermons, read the scriptures, or engage in religious activities...信心乃在乎我里面有多少基督的生命。我们里面基督的爱有多少,我们的信心就有多少…Faith is about how much of Christ's life dwells within us. The more of Christ's love we have within us, the greater our faith is..我们若与你同死,就信必与你同活…我们在各种各样的环境考试里,丧掉多少老我,胜过多少罪和私欲,活出多少基督的得胜,我们的信心就必相应增长。"If we died with Him, we will also live with Him." In various trials, as we die to self, overcome sins and desires, and live out Christ's victory, our faith will correspondingly increase.


主啊,带领我走上这个信心的道路。Lord, lead me on this journey of faith.每一天活着操练:不住的祷告,竭力住在你话语里,思想耶稣的脚踪,在环境里求圣灵光照我的内心,认识我的私欲和罪性,起来祷告争战,求圣灵治死我的私欲,向罪死,跟罪争战到流血的地步,真经历和基督一同受苦,一同死,向神活的实际。Practice every day: to constantly pray, to strive to dwell in Your word, to ponder the footsteps of Jesus, to ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten my heart in every circumstance, to recognise my desires and sinful nature, to rise up to fight the spiritual warfare by prayers, to ask the Holy Spirit to put my desires to death, to fight against my sins to the point of shedding my blood, and to truly experience suffering with Christ, dying with Him and truly living with God.每一天被主你的训言引领,被又真又活的神在环境里教导训练,活在与神相交的真信心里。Let me be guided every day by Your teachings, instructed and trained by the true and living God in every situation, living in the true faith of communion with God.一步步的经历不再是我,乃是耶稣基督在我里面活着。Step by step, the experience is no longer about me but about Jesus Christ living within me.若是行了什么神迹,真知道是耶稣借着我的肉身行的,立刻将荣耀归给神。If any miracle is performed, let me truly know it is Jesus working through my flesh, and immediately give the glory to God.知道神行神迹,是为了让我们更加谦卑,不断地学习认识神的属灵法则,行神迹的目的乃是:神要用大能实行拯救,让人归信耶稣。Knowing that God performs miracles is to make us more humble, continually learning and understanding the spiritual principles of God. The purpose of performing miracles is for God to work in mighty power to save people and bring people to believe Jesus. (陈弟兄Brother Chan)


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