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【可16:6】那少年人对她们说:“不要惊恐!你们寻找那钉十字架的拿撒勒人耶稣,他已经复活了,不在这里。请看安放他的地方。【Mark 16:6】 “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him.

发表于 2024-03-31

耶稣被钉在十字架上,被埋葬在坟墓里,看起来是那样的绝望….Jesus was crucified and buried in the tomb, looking so hopeless.  然而,七日的头一日, Yet, on the first day of the week, 在那个荣耀的清晨,巨石被挪开,那坟墓是空的。in the glorious dawn, the stone was rolled away, the tomb was empty. 照着耶稣所预言的,照着经上的话,耶稣复活了!耶稣复活了!Just as Jesus had foretold, just as it is written in the scriptures, Jesus has risen! Jesus has risen! 人类历史上最惊天动地的大好消息是:The most earth-shattering news in human history is this: 耶稣担当我们的罪死了,又活了,且要活到永永远远。哈利路亚! Jesus bore our sins, died, and rose again, and He will live forever and ever. Hallelujah


死啊!你得胜的权势在哪里?死的毒钩就是罪。 (林前15:55-56 )。"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" (1 Corinthians 15:55-56).耶稣胜过罪恶,胜过死亡,胜过一切黑暗的权势!Jesus has conquered sin, conquered death, conquered all powers of darkness! 在十字架上,耶稣败坏了掌死权的, On the cross, Jesus defeated the one who held the power of death, 为要释放因怕死而成为奴仆的我们! to release us who were held in slavery by our fear of death! 死被得胜所吞灭!Death has been swallowed up in victory! 耶稣用自己的生命,断开一切的锁链,打通了这条通往父的十字架的得胜之路。Jesus, with His own life, broke every chain, and opened up the victorious path to the Father through the cross.


耶稣若不复活,我们所信的就是枉然。If Jesus had not risen, our faith would be in vain.当年跟随耶稣的门徒,爱主的妇女,没有听明白耶稣的话。 The disciples who followed Jesus, and the women who loved the Lord, did not understand His words.知道耶稣复活后,又惊恐,又不信,又惊奇。 They were afraid, unbelieving, and amazed when they heard of the resurrection. 当他们亲眼看到复活的主,他们就喜乐了,他们的生命改变了。 But when they saw the risen Lord with their own eyes, they rejoiced, and their lives were transformed. 今天我们看到多少人生命被翻转,破碎的得着完全,伤心的得着医治,想死的重新活过来,成为贵重的器皿,被主使用!Today we see how many lives are transformed, broken made whole, the sorrowful healed, the despairing brought back to life, becoming precious vessels used by the Lord! 哦,赞美耶稣复活生命的大能!Oh, praise the mighty power of Jesus' resurrection of their lives!


因祂活着,生命充满了希望!Because He lives, life is filled with hope! 这复活的盼望是真的!This hope of resurrection is real! 主应许:The Lord promised: 我们与祂同死,就与祂同复活!if we die with Him, we will also live with Him! 主啊,我要经历这复活!Lord, I want to experience this resurrection! 求你带领我,环境中,不再去钉别人,而是因信自己没有良善,定意把自己钉上十字架, Lead me, Lord, so that instead of judging others, I may, by faith, recognize that there is nothing good in me, and crucify myself, 使我信你的应许,向己死,向神活,今生在地上经历生命的复活,见证你的荣耀,在永恒里,也与你一同作王。Lord, lead me to believe in Your promise, die to self, live for God,  experience the resurrection of life on earth, and witness Your glory, and reign with You in eternity. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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