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【可16:6】那少年人对她们说:“不要惊恐!你们寻找那钉十字架的拿撒勒人耶稣,他已经复活了,不在这里。【Mark 16:6】“Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him.

发表于 2024-03-31

抹大拉马利亚,约西的母亲马利亚并撒罗米是爱主的一群妇女,爱主到寸步不离。Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome were among a group of women who loved the Lord fervently, accompanying Him every step of the way. 她们目睹耶稣赴十架、赴刑场、赴死地,她们一直跟随到最后,亲眼看见耶稣安放在坟墓才离开。They witnessed Jesus' journey to the cross, to the execution ground, to the place of death, and they stayed with Him until the end, even witnessing His burial.在主活着时她们经历主爱,耶稣死了,也不能够使她们与基督的爱隔离。 While they experienced the love of the Lord when He was alive, even His death could not separate them from His love.有人爱主,主是知道的。天使对她们宣告:“他已经复活了,不在这里”。Those who love the Lord, the Lord knows. The angel proclaimed to them: "He has risen! He is not here."


她们明知耶稣的肉体已死,被存放在洞穴坟墓里,她们还要尽情竭力的爱主,为主预备香料,献于主身。Though Jesus was dead and His body was placed in a tomb, they still passionately loved the Lord, preparing spices for Him, to anoint His body. 正因如此,七日的头一日,她们经历神迹,巨石被挪开,她们最先亲眼所见复活的耶稣, Because of this, on the first day of the week, they experienced a miracle: the stone was rolled away, and they were the first to witness the resurrected Jesus. 主为马利亚擦干眼泪,安慰她的心,向她显明他复活的大能。 He wiped away Mary Magdalene's tears, comforted her heart, and revealed to her the power of His resurrection. 如今,空坟墓告诉我,地上的一切是暂时虚无的,人生真正的盼望在基督的复活里。Now, the empty tomb tells me that everything on earth is temporary and nothing; true hope in life lies in Christ's resurrection.


多少年来坟墓是人生最后的归属。然而,这一切因着耶稣的复活而改变了。For many years, the tomb was considered the final destination of life. However, everything changed because of Jesus' resurrection. 耶稣的复活,给死在罪恶过犯中的我带来了称义的恩典,不再死在罪中,乃是活在恩典中(罗3:24-25)。 His resurrection brings justification for those who die in sins and trespasses, no longer living in sin but in grace (Romans 3:24-25). 耶稣被交给人,是为我的过犯;复活,是为叫我称义。 Jesus was delivered over to death for my sins; His resurrection justifies me. 为我过犯,他被杀害;为我罪孽,他流出宝血。 He was killed for my transgressions; He shed His precious blood for my sins.这义的代替不义的,无罪的代替有罪的。The righteous for the unrighteous, the innocent for the guilty. 主啊,因你的复活,我不再活在死的恐惧中,乃是给我带来了生的盼望。Lord, because of Your resurrection, I no longer live in fear of death but have hope in life.


主若没有复活,我仍在罪中。Without the resurrection, I would still be living in sin. 软弱的彼得遇见复活的主,从此变成刚强;多疑的多马遇见复活的主,从此不再疑惑;残害教会的扫罗遇见复活主,从此为教会舍命。Peter, once weak, encountered the risen Lord and became strong; Thomas, once doubted, encountered the risen Lord and doubted no more; Saul(Paul), who persecuted the church, encountered the risen Lord and sacrificed his life for the church. 主啊,因你的复活燃起我心中的渴望,复活的渴望,爱的渴望,生命的渴望,我与你同死必与你同复活!Lord, because of Your resurrection, You ignite the desire in my heart, the desire for resurrection, the desire for love, the desire for life. I will be resurrected with You if I die with You! 感谢主,你不能被死亡拘禁,你复活了。Thank You, Lord, for You cannot be held by death, You are resurrected. 你曾死过,又活着,且活到永永远远。 You died and are alive again, forever and ever. 哈利路亚,我要高声歌颂复活主的荣耀! Hallelujah, I will sing loudly the glory of the resurrected Lord! (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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