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【可15:39】对面站着的百夫长看见耶稣这样喊叫(有古卷没有“喊叫”二字)断气,就说:“这人真是神的儿子!”【Mark 15:39】And when the centurion, who stood there in front of Jesus, saw how he died, he said, “Surely this man was the Son of God!”

发表于 2024-03-29

这位百夫长负责执行彼拉多的命令。This centurion was responsible for carrying out Pilate's orders.耶稣被定罪,被审判,被鞭打得血肉模糊。Jesus was convicted, judged, and brutally whipped until His flesh was torn.祂背着沉重的十字架,面对人的辱骂、嘲讽,走向各各他。He carried the heavy cross, faced insults and mockery from the people, and walked to Golgotha.八寸长的钉子穿过祂的手和脚…百夫长亲眼目睹了耶稣全程没有咒骂、怨恨、苦毒,还为罪人代求…Eight-inch nails pierced His hands and feet... The centurion witnessed Jesus endure the entire process without cursing, resentment, or bitterness, and even intercede for sinners...那一刻,遍地都黑暗了,地也震动,磐石崩裂…At that moment, darkness came over the land, the earth shook, and the rocks split...


百夫长看到从耶稣里面所散发出来的光芒,是过去一切受刑的人所没有的。The centurion saw the radiance emanating from Jesus, something that no other crucified person had shown before.那一刻,他认出耶稣是谁:这人真是神的儿子!At that moment, he recognized who Jesus was: "Truly this man was the Son of God!"有多少的殉道者,至死忠心,饶恕爱仇敌,坦然赴死,使行刑的人为之震撼,也归向了耶稣。There are many martyrs, who were faithful even in death, forgiving enemies, as they calmly faced death,shocking the executioners,who also turned to Jesus.因着耶稣,多少人生命翻转,使认识他们的人,不得不说:这位神是真的!Because of Jesus, many lives were transformed, making those who had known them have to admit: this God is real!


因着耶稣的舍命,我被赦免,被医治,尝到主恩的美善,认识神是真的,耶稣活着。Through Jesus' sacrifice, I am forgiven, healed, and can taste the goodness of the Lord's grace, knowing that God is real and Jesus is alive.回到父家,成为神的儿女,然而我仍在孤儿的思维里,用手所做的,证明自己,做不到,就惧怕、生气、责怪、为自己找理由….Returning to the Father's house, becoming a child of God, yet I am still operating with an orphan mentality, trying to prove myself with my own efforts, and then fail feeling fearful, angry, blaming, and finding excuses for myself...求主赦免我,靠圣灵入门,却在靠肉体行事,今天神儿子的生命在我里面,我当来听从祂。Lord, forgive me. Though I enter Your house through the Holy Spirit, I still act in the flesh. Today, the life of the Son of God is within me, and I must obey Him.


圣父、圣灵亲自为圣子作见证。The Holy Father and the Holy Spirit personally bear witness to the Holy Son.我们也是耶稣的见证。We are also witnesses of Jesus.主啊,你要领许多儿子进入荣耀中去。Lord, You will lead many sons into glory.你要训练、塑造我成为成熟的儿子。You will train and shape me into a mature son.主,带领我,时时仰望你的恩典,将我里面亚当的性情,与主同钉十字架,Lord, lead me, help me rely on Your grace at all times, and crucify the nature of Adam within me with Jesus,使我被圣灵引导,操练饶恕和爱,活出神儿子的生命,见证耶稣复活的大能,帮助更多的浪子成为神的儿子。Lord, guide me by the Holy Spirit, to practice forgiveness and love, live out the life of the Son of God, witness the power of Jesus' resurrection, to help more prodigal sons become children of God. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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