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【可 15:34】申初的时候,耶稣大声喊着说:“以罗伊,以罗伊!拉马撒巴各大尼?”(翻出来就是:我的 神,我的 神,为什么离弃我?【Mark 15:34】And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).

发表于 2024-03-28

耶稣父所爱的独生子,最痛苦的时候为什么不喊:‘我的父...’而喊,‘我的神...’ When Jesus, the beloved Son of the Father, was in his greatest agony, why did He not cry out, 'My Father...' but instead cried, 'My God...'原来除以色列民外,世人都是外邦人,局外人,跟独一真神无关,活在罪中没有永生的指望。It is because, apart from the people of Israel, the rest of the world are Gentiles, outsiders, having no connection with the one true God, living in sin without the hope of eternal life.没有神未来只能去到永远的黑暗里哀哭!Without God,  our future leads only to eternal darkness and lamentation.神爱世人,要救我们脱离与神隔绝的咒诅,但公义的神,必要刑罚罪恶,偿还罪债!God loves the world and desires to save us from the curse of being separated from Him, but as a righteous God, He must punish sin and repay sin debts.所以父定意将我们的罪孽都归在儿子耶稣身上。Therefore, the Father determined to place all our sins upon His Son Jesus.


主耶稣啊,你宁可自己遭咒诅,与神分离,也要救我们。Lord Jesus, You were willing to endure being cursed and separated from God in order to save us.在你最痛苦的最后那刻,你心里没有自己,你挂念的,全是我们这些没有神的人的痛苦。In your most painful moment, Your heart was not focused on Yourself; it was solely concerned with the suffering of us, the godless people.你拼了命,用尽最后一丝力量,也要站在我们的位置上,替我们呼喊:‘我的神…’,You exerted every effort, even using Your last breath, to stand in our place and cry out on our behalf: 'My God...'你心里从来装着就是别人,唯独没有你自己;Your heart was always filled with concern for others, never for Yourself.你没有以我们的过犯待我们,反而待我们比骨肉之亲还亲…因你被弃绝,我们得父接纳!You did not treat us according to our transgressions but showed us even greater love than that of kin... because You were rejected, we are accepted by the Father!


主啊,求你开启我们,让我们真知道,你为我们的罪付上了何等代价,灭掉了我们跟神的冤仇,让我们与神和好。Lord, I pray that You would enlighten us so that we may truly understand the price You paid for our sins, how You extinguished the enmity between us and God, and reconciled us with God.如今你的神也成了我们的神,你的父也成了我们的父;Now Your God is our God, and Your Father is our Father;求你时时开启我,让我知道你赦免我的罪债有多少,好让我更多认识你的爱,I pray that You would continually enlighten me so that I may know the extent of what Jesus did on the cross for forgiveness of my sins, and understand Your love more deeply,让我每一天都更有力量,背起自己的十字架,爱你跟随你,恨罪、跟罪争战到流血的地步。and may have the strength each day to bear my own cross, to love and follow You, and to fight against sin to the point where I bleed.


主啊,我感谢你做挽回祭,使我们与神和好,又将劝人与神和好的职分托付给我们,Lord, I thank You for being the atoning sacrifice that reconciles us with God and entrusting us with the ministry of reconciling others with God.你怎样差人劝我们与神和好,我们岂不也要天天为你放在我们心里的灵魂祈求。Just as You sent messengers to urge us to be reconciled with God, may we also daily intercede for the souls You have placed in our hearts.求你赐我们口才,开福音的门,把那像你一样,谦卑舍命爱罪人,时时挂念灵魂的心肠做成在我们里面,让我们忠心这劝人与神和好的职分。Grant us eloquence, open doors for the gospel, and implant in us a heart like Yours, humble and willing to sacrifice for sinners, constantly  being mindful of their souls, so that we may faithfully carry out this ministry of urging people to reconcile with God.有份你大使命:‘使万民成为你的门徒’。May we share in Your great commission: 'to make disciples of all nations.' (陈弟兄Brother Chan)


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