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【可15:34】申初的时候,耶稣大声喊着说:“以罗伊!以罗伊!拉马撒巴各大尼?” 翻出来就是:“我的神!我的神!为什么离弃我?” 【Mark15:34】And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).

发表于 2024-03-26

亚当被赶出伊甸园的时候;"When Adam was driven out of the Garden of Eden;以色列人被交在仇敌手中时;when the Israelites were delivered into the hands of their enemies;我们落在咒诅中绝望时,when we found ourselves in despair under the curse,都感到被神弃绝了! we all felt forsaken by God!"那一刻,耶稣站在罪人的位置上,"At that moment, Jesus stood in the place of sinners,仰天呐喊,looking up to heaven,喊出我们心中的声音:crying out on behalf of  our hearts:我的神,'My God,我的神,my God,为什么离弃我? why have you forsaken me?'"全人类的罪都归到了耶稣的身上,All the sins of humanity were placed upon Jesus,神的爱子也被神弃绝了!" the beloved Son of God, who was also forsaken by God!"天父是何等地圣洁、公义,恨恶罪恶!"How holy and righteous is the Heavenly Father, who hates sin!"


耶稣被钉在十字架上,As he was nailed to the cross,我们以为他受责罚,"we thought Jesus was being punished,被神击打苦待了。afflicted by God, "哪知祂为我们的过犯和罪孽受害。"But little did we know, he was suffering for our transgressions and sins."若不流血,罪就不得赦免!"Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins!"

天父宁愿舍去爱子,The Father was willing to give up his beloved Son,耶稣宁愿背负罪孽污名,Jesus was willing to bear the shame of sin,父与子宁愿分离,the Father and the Son were willing to be separated;救赎的大爱从十字架上倾倒下来,the great love of redemption poured down from the cross,使我们得赦免,granting us forgiveness,得平安,peace,得医治healing, 得接纳…" and acceptance..."这是何等长阔高深的爱!"This is the breadth and depth of love!"


主啊Lord,,你从未离弃我,you have never forsaken me,是我的骄傲、"it is my pride,自义、self-righteousness, ,贪婪、greed,诡诈、deceit,苦毒、bitterness,论断、judgment,无知…ignorance...叫我与你隔绝。that separates me from you."我才是应该被钉上十字架的,"I am the one who should have been nailed to the cross,你却代替我的罪,but you took my place,受刑罚和鞭伤,bearing the punishment and scourging for my sins,受咒诅和弃绝,enduring the curse and abandonment.你救了我的命脱离死亡,You saved my life from death,使我这个孤儿回到父家。bringing this orphan back to the Father's house."我怎能继续麻木地活在罪中,"How can I continue to live in slumber, in sin,叫你的圣灵担忧呢? causing your Holy Spirit to grieve?"求你赦免我的顽梗、"I ask for your forgiveness for my stubbornness,背逆、rebellion,忘恩ingratitude,和作恶…and wickedness..." yet you have not sinned,


主,"Lord,你有人的软弱,on earth you joined us fully in the condition of mortal weakness, 却没有犯罪,yet, You have not sinned,因为你住在父里面,because You dwell in the Father,你完全信靠顺服天父。completely trusting and obeying Him."住在主里的就不犯罪。"Whoever lives in the Lord does not sin."主,"Lord,是罪叫我与你隔绝,it is sin that separates me from you,与祝福隔绝,that separates me from your blessings.求圣灵帮助我,I ask the Holy Spirit to help me,恨恶罪恶,to hate sin,常思想你的话,to constantly meditate on your words,否定自己的意思,to deny my own desires,依靠你的恩典,to rely on your grace,遵行你的旨意,to obey your will,使我更深与你合一,to deepen my union with you,用你的爱把身边像我一样的孤儿也带回父家。and to use your love to bring back the orphans around me to the Father's house." (付传道  Pastor Fu)


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