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【可15:34】申初的时候,耶稣大声喊着说:“以罗伊!以罗伊!拉马撒巴各大尼?”翻出来就是:“我的神!我的神!为什么离弃我? 【Mark 15:34】 And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).

发表于 2024-03-25

主耶稣在被卖时、受审时、被鞭打羞辱时、被钉时、以及承受任何痛苦时,都不曾喊叫;The Lord Jesus never cried out when He was betrayed, when He was tried, when He was beaten and mocked, or even when He was crucified. 但在此时,他却大声的喊着说:“我的神,我的神!为什么离弃我 ?”But at this moment, He cried out loudly, saying, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"耶和华使我们众人的罪孽都归在他身上,神将祂公义的忿怒都倾倒在祂爱子的身上,God laid upon Him the iniquity of us all, God poured out His righteous wrath upon His beloved Son. 耶稣背负世人罪孽遭父神撇弃,父神收回了祂的同在。

 Jesus bore the sins of the world and was abandoned by the Father, and the Father withdrew His presence. And He felt the absence of the Father's presence.


此时此刻,我的主被神离弃了,天地黑暗、大地都震动了,At this moment,  Our Lord was forsaken by God, darkness covered the earth, and the ground trembled.  主耶稣基督,为救赎我的罪,被钉在十字架上。Jesus Christ, for salvation My sins, to redeem my sins, was nailed to the cross. 他喊出被天父离弃的哀痛,也因大声喊叫唤醒我沉睡麻木的心,使我心被恩感,归回向你,得着这宝贵的救恩。 He cried out in the agony of being forsaken by the Heavenly Father, awakening my numb and slumbering heart with His loud cry, causing my heart to be grateful, stirring within me a sense of grace, returning to you, drawing me back to You, to receive this precious salvation.


主啊,你被弃绝,我被接纳,你被咒诅,我得祝福。Lord, you were rejected, but I am accepted; you were cursed, but I am blessed. 主耶稣为拯救罪人,亲自道成了肉身降生为人子,Lord Jesus, to save sinners, personally became flesh and was born as the Son of Man. 祂撇弃万有、撇弃荣耀尊贵,选择马槽,选择一无所有,选择十字架,You became incarnate, forsaking all glory and honour, choosing a manger, choosing to have nothing, choosing the cross. 他唯一的安慰就是有神的同在,父在我里面,我在父里面。Your only comfort was the presence of God. The Father is in me, and I am in the Father. 


主啊,我属于你,不再作人的奴仆,与你为仇,Lord, I belong to You, no longer a slave to sin, no longer an enemy to you. 你受鞭伤使我得医治,你受刑罚使我得平安。Your stripes heal me, Your wounds heal me; Your punishment brings me peace. 你是忌邪的神,圣洁的主,让我也要成为圣洁,You are a jealous God, a holy God. Let me also be holy. 如今将这个肉体与肉体的邪情私欲与主同钉十字架,死就死吧,Crucified with the Lord, Now I nail this flesh and its sinful desires to the cross with You. 每天活出即或不然的信心经历你复活的大能荣耀主名。Let me live every day with a faith that persists, regardless of circumstances, let me live every day with a faith that persists, experiencing the resurrection power and glory of the Lord's name." (郭姊妹 Sister Guo)


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