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【马可福音 15:31】祭司长和文士也是这样戏弄他,彼此说:“他救了别人,不能救自己。 【Mark 15:31】In the same way the chief priests and the teachers of the law mocked him among themselves. “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself!

发表于 2024-03-22

熟读旧约圣经的祭司长和文士为什么跟世人一样,认不出主耶稣是神的儿子? Why did the chief priests and teachers of the law, who were familiar with the Old Testament, yet failed to recognize Jesus as the Son of God like everyone else? 人凭着自己的智慧都会把耶稣甘愿钉十字架看成是软弱无能,People, relying on their own wisdom, viewed Jesus' willingness to be crucified as weakness and powerlessness. 人凭自己,不能明白神十字架的智慧。By their own understanding, they couldn't comprehend the wisdom of God's cross.


祭司长和文士戏弄讥诮主耶稣,说,“你是神的儿子, 就可以救自己,从十字架上下来啊,证明你自己是神的儿子……” Mocking and taunting Jesus, the chief priests and teachers of the law said, "If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross and prove that You are indeed the Son of God..."如同撒旦试探你说,你若是神的儿子,你就……” Just like Satan tempting You, saying, ‘'If You are the Son of God, then...'


主啊,你有权柄不上十字架,你有能力从十字架上下来。 Lord, You have the authority not to go to the cross, and You have the power to come down from the cross. 但你为着爱,拯救和恢复的计划,你不救自己, 你舍己为人类的罪而受苦受死。 But for the sake of love, salvation, and restoration, You did not save Yourself. You endured suffering and death for the sins of humanity.


“因你受的鞭伤我得医治,因你受的刑罚我得平安。” "By Your wounds, we are healed; by Your punishment, we are made whole."你若救自己,谁能救我们呢?If You had saved Yourself, who could save us? 你若从十字架上下来,罪的代价,就是我们要进入永远的死。 If You had come down from the cross, the price of sin, which is eternal death, would have remained upon us. 


主啊,感谢你十字架的救赎恩典,Lord, thank You for the grace of redemption through the cross.我怎样可以回报你的救恩呢?How can I repay Your salvation? 唯有信你的话,天天背起自己的十字架来跟随你。Only by believing in Your word and taking up my cross daily to follow You.


十字架是不救“老自己”的地方,是钉死老自己的地方。 The cross is not a place to save "our old selves"; it is where our old selves are crucified.十字架是死里复活的地方,是信靠天父公义审判的地方… The cross is where resurrection from death occurs, where we trust in the righteous judgment of the Father....求主加添我的信心,在环境里, 让我认识老自己是和祭司长、文士的思维模式一样的, Lord, increase my faith and help me recognize that my old ways of thinking is similar to that of the chief priests and scribes in my circumstances, 是想救自己,为自己辩护的, 是和人争, 不服的。 which is to seek to save the self,  defend the self, engage in strife, and unwillingly submit. 当我被人说不好,我就想证明自已,下次一定要做好。If someone speaks ill of me, I'll feel the urge to prove myself and resolve to do better next time.



Lord, may the Holy Spirit break this mindset, so that instead of striving to do better next time, I turn to You by praying.


“主啊,凡要救自己魂生命的,必丧掉生命,"Lord, whoever wants to save their soul will lose it,凡为基督和福音丧掉魂生命的,必得着生命... but whoever loses their soul for Christ and the gospel will find life...让我这不与真理合一的思想与主同钉十字架,Let my thoughts, which are not in line with the truth, be crucified with You,让我老我里面一切自高的声音,let all the voices of self-importance within me,不服,想证明自己是好的、对的、申辩、理论、讲理由对错等等的心思意念, the defiant mindset of wanting to prove myself as good, right, and to argue and debate with others what’s right and wrong, and so on,全然与你同钉十字架,be completely crucified with You.求圣灵引导我,带我经历这不救老自己,May Holy Spirit guide me, and lead me through the process of not saving my old self,让你复活的大能叫我顺服真理的实际,but experiencing the resurrection power to make me obedient to the truth,好叫我的一举一动,因背自己的十字架而有新生的样式。May my every action, through carrying my cross, reflect a new pattern of life in me. 死在我身上发动,生在别人身上发动, Let death be at work in me but life be at work in others, 让我的生命也脱离自己的样子,能更像你充满谦卑,爱和怜悯, and may my life depart from the old self and become more like You, filled with humility, love, and compassion,可以去祝福他人,也救他人脱离罪,进入神赐福的命定……”to bless others and rescue them from sin and turn their destiny into the destiny of God's blessings..." (陈弟兄Brother Chan)


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