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【可15: 19-20】19又拿一根苇子打他的头,吐唾沫在他脸上,屈膝拜他。20戏弄完了,就给他脱了紫袍,仍穿上他自己的衣服,带他出去,要钉十字架。【Mark 15:19-20】19 Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him. Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him. 20 And when they had mocked Him, they to

发表于 2024-03-20

耶稣被出卖,被交在人里,受许多的苦,受羞辱,受弃绝,且要被钉上十字架!Jesus was betrayed, handed over to men, endured much suffering, shame, rejection, and was crucified! 这也是耶稣三次所预言的。This was also foretold by Jesus three times.万王之王,万主之主,神的爱子,不断地被人用苇子打头,被吐唾沫,被戏弄,被嘲讽,被钉死,却默默无声,毫无怨恨苦毒,还担当我们的罪,舍命来救我们……The King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Son of God, continuously was struck on the head with a staff, spat upon, mocked, ridiculed, and crucified, yet remained silent without showing bitterness or resentment. He bore our sins, sacrificed Himself to save us.


主啊,你被压伤,是那么的谦卑、柔和、顺服、爱人,而我里面出来的是愤怒、仇恨、苦毒、报复…Lord, You were oppressed, yet so humble, gentle, obedient, and loving, while what comes out of me is anger, hatred, bitterness, and vengeance…我不能被打、被辱骂吗?难道我比耶稣还高吗?Why do I immediately feel offended and get angry if others insult me? Am I higher than Jesus? 主,求你赦免我的骄傲、自高、自保…Lord, forgive me for my pride, arrogance, and self-preservation...我是何等的与你为仇,你却甘心舍了一切的尊贵荣耀,为我而死,我还有什么理由护着这个有罪的己?How much enmity do I hold against you? Yet you willingly gave up all honor and glory to die for me. What is the reason for me to protect this sinful self?


耶稣预先知道所面临的一切,却没有逃避,完全顺服,走在前面领路。Jesus knew in advance all that He would face yet did not evade it; He fully obeyed the Father to lead the way. 然而受苦、受辱、受死,不是最终的结局!第三天祂从死里复活了!However, suffering, shame, and death are not the final outcome! On the third day, He rose from the dead! 

主也呼召我们:来跟从祂,天天舍己,背起自己的十字架跟从祂!The Lord also calls us to follow Him, to deny ourselves daily, and to take up our cross and follow Him! 十字架,使我们可以经历死里复活的大能,与祂一同受苦,就一同得荣耀!The cross enables us to experience the power of resurrection, to suffer with Him, and to share in His glory!


主啊,当我在面对嘲讽、藐视、弃绝时,想在人前被高举时,想要动手自我保护时…Lord, when I face mockery, scorn, rejection, when I desire to be exalted before others, when I want to defend myself...求你圣灵提醒我,来到十字架前,思想你谦卑顺服爱人的脚踪,使我转向你,弃绝心中的各种声音,停住人手的工作,竭力来祷告呼求你,Holy Spirit, remind me to come to the cross, to contemplate your humble, obedient, loving footsteps, and to turn to you, rejecting the voices within, ceasing my own works, earnestly praying, and calling upon Your name.使我能效法你的死,叫这个肉身受苦,与罪断绝,活出爱的生命,荣耀你的名。May I become like You in Your death, may the old self suffer, be done with sin, and may I live out a life of love, glorifying Your name.(付传道 Preacher Fu)


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