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可15:19-20】又拿一根苇子打他的头,吐唾沫在他脸上,屈膝拜他。戏弄完了,就给他脱了紫袍,仍穿上他自己的衣服,带他出去,要钉十字架。 (Mark15:19-20 NIV) Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him. Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him. And when they had mocked him, they took off

发表于 2024-03-20

耶稣被犹大出卖后,犹太自家人再次弃绝他,After Jesus was betrayed by Judas, His own people rejected Him again. 再出卖他,把他交给不信的外邦人,They betrayed Him too and handed Him over to unbelieving Gentiles. 尊贵的主,我们的万王之王,宇宙的创造主受到的待遇是:The treatment received by our honored Lord, the King of kings, the Creator of the universe, was as follows: 被捆绑起来,诬陷栽赃,鞭打,脸被打巴掌,被吐吐沫,被戴荆棘冠冕,被讽刺、嘲弄、戏耍…He was bound, falsely accused, whipped, slapped in the face, spat upon, crowned with thorns, mocked, ridiculed, and played with... 

当时天使和一切天上执政掌权的都在观看,神的儿子要如何反应呢?At that time, angels and all the powers in heaven were watching. How would the Son of God react? 世人看自己的尊严面子高过生命金钱... People often value their dignity and reputation more than life and money... 可为什么主可以在这个时候,能忍受如此的屈辱,却能像一只羔羊默默无声,不反抗,不辩驳,没有愤怒委屈,没有不饶恕,连一句埋怨的话都没有...这是什么样的谦卑柔和的生命呢?But why could the Lord endure such humiliation at that moment, remain silent like a lamb, not resist, not argue, without anger or resentment, without unforgiveness, not even a word of complaint... What kind of humble and gentle life is this?

尊贵过一切的头却被最卑贱的苇子抽,但耶稣从里到外的反应:The most honored head was struck by the most contemptible reed, but Jesus' response from inside out was “父啊,赦免他们,因为他们所做的他们不晓得”... "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing"... 饶恕,代求,还愿意把自己献给父,做打他,杀他,出卖他的人的赎罪羔羊... He forgave people, prayed for us and was willing to offer Himself to the Father. He was willing to be the sacrificial Lamb for people who beat Him, kill Him and betray Him…

当我思想这一切的时候,不禁祷告:As I ponder all this, I can't help but pray: 父啊,求你赦免我的罪,在主耶稣的面前,我真的是一个罪人!Father, forgive my sins! I am truly a sinner before the Lord Jesus! 支撑我和人类为维护所谓的自尊面子背后的所有一切,自认为有价值的东西到底是什么?What are all the things behind our efforts to maintain our so-called dignity and reputation, all the things we consider valuable? 顿时我就明白了:世界的价值观全然是撒旦的谎言。Suddenly, I understand: the world's values are all lies of Satan.

主啊,我感谢你的经文,谢谢你将这话向我们开启,让我知道为什么保罗会说耶稣基督是他的至宝!Lord, I thank You for Your scriptures, thank You for opening this to us, letting me know why Paul would say that Jesus Christ is his treasure! 在我们的心里,什么是我们认为的宝? What do we consider as treasure In our hearts?

主啊,求你光照我的内心,撒旦用知识善恶树把多少世界的谎言和价值观放到我们心里,让我们天天受迷惑被牵引,把我们引到自以为正,却是死路上。Lord, I pray that You enlighten my heart, how much of the world's lies and values Satan has planted in our hearts using the tree of knowledge of good and evil, confusing and leading us astray every day, leading us to think we are right, but actually on a path of death.

父啊,我感谢你,赐下你独生爱子给我们,用这最卑贱的‘金苇子’作尺子,给我一个标杆,让我知道,当你把我放到任何一个受委屈,被羞辱,遭到任何不公平的待遇的环境时,是为让我看见我内心的反应,是你在用打你儿子头的‘金苇子’在量我,让我知道我里面有多少思想还不属于主耶稣?需要来转向真理。Father, I thank You for giving us Your only begotten Son, using this most contemptible 'golden reed' as a ruler, giving me a standard, letting me know that when You place me in any situation where I am wronged, humiliated, or treated unfairly, it is to let me see my inner reaction, it is You using the 'golden reed' to measure me, letting me know how much of my thoughts still do not belong to the Lord Jesus and need to turn to the Truth. 

感谢你 把你儿子赐给我,感谢你那么恩待我,赐我圣灵帮助我祷告。Thank You for giving me Your Son, thank You for treating me so graciously, giving me the Holy Spirit to help me pray. 求主救我脱离自我,教导我在死的形状上与主联合,也在复活得胜的形状上与主联合。Lord, save me from myself, teach me to be united with the Lord in the form of death, and also to be united with the Lord in the form of victorious resurrection. 父啊,求你赐我信心,激励我在环境里效法你儿子的死己,叫己意受苦,让圣灵真理在我身上为大…. Father, please give me faith, motivate me to imitate Your Son's self-denial in the environment, to let self suffer, let the Holy Spirit Truth be great in me... 活着荣耀你名!Living to glorify Your name! (陈弟兄) (Brother Chen)


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