在神的眼中,我们每一个人都是不顺服,背逆的。我们若知道人是这样的光景,赶紧远离。In God’s eyes, each one of us is disobedient and rebellious. If we recognize this condition of man, we may want to distance ourselves. 但神把我们圈在不顺服之中,他知道我们的本相,不是来定罪,不是来毁灭,而是特意要怜恤众人。But God has enclosed us all in disobedience—not to condemn or destroy, but to show mercy to all. 亚当背逆、不遵行神的命令,死在过犯罪恶之中,神却为亚当预备了皮子做衣服。Adam was rebellious and did not follow God’s command, falling into sin and death. Yet God prepared garments of skin for Adam.
神拣选以色列人时,知道以色列人不顺服;神拣选我们时,我们没有比以色列人好,我们一样的背逆、不顺服、与神为仇。When God chose the Israelites, He knew they were disobedient. Likewise, when He chose us, we were no better than them—we were just as rebellious, disobedient, and even enemies of God. 但神的爱何等深远,在创世以前,祂就在基督里拣选了我们,为我们预备了救恩。Yet how deep and vast is God’s love! Before the foundation of the world, He chose us in Christ and prepared salvation for us. 借着神的儿子耶稣对天父完全的信靠顺服,死也不求自己的意思成就,救赎大工得以完成。Through the perfect trust and obedience of His Son, Jesus, to the Father—who sought not His own will even in death—the great work of redemption was accomplished.
主啊,信主前,我不认识你,与你为敌,你舍命流血将我救赎回来。Lord, before I believed in You, I did not know You and was Your enemy. Yet You gave Your life and shed Your blood to redeem me. 信主后,我里面仍然有背逆的旧人,多少次我又自己作王,顺从自己的私欲,不顺服真理,不顺服权柄,顶撞不服吵架,你的名因我而受羞辱…Even after coming to faith, my old self remains rebellious. Time and again, I enthrone myself, follow my own desires, disobey the truth, resist authority, and argue in defiance—bringing shame to Your name… 你仍然在呼唤:背道的儿女回来吧,回来吧,我要医治你背道的病…Yet You still call out: “Return, O backsliding children, return! I will heal your backsliding.”
主,求你赦免我得罪了你,伤透了你的心,你却不放弃我,不愿我死亡,仍然怜悯拯救我。Lord, forgive me for sinning against You and breaking Your heart. Yet You do not give up on me; You do not desire my death but still have mercy and save me. 主啊,你断不以有罪为无罪,惟有承认并离弃罪的,必蒙怜恤。圣灵带领我与自己的不信、背逆、自高、自大争战,Lord, You will by no means clear the guilty, but those who confess and forsake their sins will receive mercy. Holy Spirit, lead me to fight against my unbelief, rebellion, pride, and arrogance. 使我不住祷告,否定自己的意思,尊你为大,谦卑信靠,顺服真理,顺服权柄,重新荣耀你。Help me to pray without ceasing, deny my own will, exalt You, humbly trust, obey the truth, submit to authority, and once again bring glory to Your name.(付传道Pastor Fu)