阿们!何等安慰鼓励人心的话语。万王之王万主之主,如此尊贵的君王,对神百姓的爱是永不改变的。Amen! What a comforting and encouraging word. The King of kings and Lord of lords—such a noble King—never changes His love for God's people.在以色列人身上是这样,今天在我们身上也是这样,神的恩赐和选召是没有后悔的。This was true for the Israelites, and it is true for us today. God's gifts and His call are irrevocable.祂的救恩计划是永远坚定的,是从永远到永远不改变的。祂从来不看我们的行为,而是在乎祂的拣选和呼召。His plan of salvation stands firm forever and will never change from eternity to eternity. He does not focus on our behaviour but on His sovereign choice and calling.
纵然以色列人背弃神、忘记神、远离神,背乎神跟他们所立的约,但是神仍旧不背乎祂自己。神向他们所赐的恩赐和选召永远不后悔。Even though the Israelites betrayed God, forgot Him, turned away from Him, and broke the covenant He made with them, God remained faithful to Himself. He will never regret the gifts and calling He has given them.虽然他们顽梗悖逆,神还是忍耐等候他们悔改,神最终叫以色列人全家得救。Although they were stubborn and rebellious, God patiently waited for them to repent, and in the end, He saved the whole family of Israel.就像我们蒙了拣选,白白得了数不清的恩典,但又常常偏行己路,行自己眼中看为正的事,认罪又犯罪,犯罪又认罪,让神的圣灵担忧。In the same way, we too have been chosen and have received countless blessings freely. Yet, we often go our own way, doing what seems right in our own eyes—confessing and sinning, sinning and confessing—grieving God's Holy Spirit.
许多时候我们对自己很失望,没有指望,神对我们却不失望,许多时候我们自己都会后悔,神对我们却从来不后悔,Many times, we feel disappointed in ourselves and lose hope, but God is not disappointed in us. Often, we regret our own failures, yet God never regrets choosing us.经上说:“耶和华既喜悦选你们作他的子民,就必因他的大名不撇弃你们。” 这就是神的爱。As it is written: "For the sake of His great name the Lord will not reject His people, because the Lord was pleased to make you His own." This is God's love.我们常常对祂不忠心,又与祂为仇,令祂忧伤,祂的爱就是如此不离不弃,整天伸手招呼那悖逆的百姓,因祂的恩赐和选召是没有后悔的。We are often unfaithful to Him, and we act as His enemies, grieving His heart. Yet His love never fails. He continually reaches out to rebellious people, holding out His hands all day long—because His gifts and His call are irrevocable.
何等感恩你赐下宏恩我们可以成为你的孩子,给我们机会服侍你,敬拜你,荣耀你。How grateful we are for Your great grace, which allows us to become Your children, giving us the opportunity to serve You, worship You, and glorify You.纵然有时会软弱跌倒,但你的话是我们活的力量,因你恩赐和选召是没有后悔的。Even when we are weak and sometimes fall, Your word is our living strength—because Your gifts and Your call are irrevocable.因着信,无论环境怎样艰难困苦,软弱失脚,相信你的恩典够我们用。Because of faith, no matter how difficult and challenging the circumstances may be, and no matter how weak or stumbling we are, we believe that Your grace is sufficient for us.不再看自己靠自己信自己,而是靠着你的恩典站立,经历死里复活,从无变有,见证你爱的伟大,吸引万人来归向你。We no longer look to ourselves or rely on our own strength, but we rise up by Your grace, experience resurrection from the dead, and see life brought forth from nothing — witnessing the greatness of Your love and drawing thousands of people to You. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)