以色列人是神所拣选的民族,但因着不信,恒久地背道,不肯回头,这真橄榄枝被砍下来。因着信,救恩临到了我们这些原本不是子民的外邦人。The Israelites were God's chosen people, but because of their unbelief, persistent apostasy, and refusal to turn back, the true olive branch was cut off. Because of faith, salvation has come to us—the Gentiles who were not originally His people.神的恩慈与严厉并存。祂向跌倒后谦卑悔改归向祂的人施慈爱发怜悯,向持续地不信、刚硬悖逆、不肯悔改的人施行公义的审判。God's kindness and severity coexist. He shows love and mercy to those who humbly repent and turn to Him after falling, and He executes righteous judgement on those who continue to be unbelieving, stubbornly rebellious, and unwilling to repent.
神的审判不是突然降下的,而是在人一再拒绝神之后,神最终任凭他们被罪迷惑,心里刚硬。神的恩慈不是让我们放纵罪恶。不然,我们也要被砍下来!God's judgement does not come suddenly, but after people have repeatedly rejected Him, He finally allows them to be deceived by sin and hardened in their hearts. God's mercy does not permit us to indulge in sin; otherwise, we too will be cut off!这话是严厉的,也是真实的。神对罪恨恶到极处。耶稣死在十字架上,承受了神对罪的愤怒,神的恩慈却借十字架倾倒下来。This is a harsh word, but it is also true. God hates sin to the extreme. Jesus died on the cross and bore God's wrath against sin, but God's mercy was poured out through the cross.
在神严厉的警诫中,仍然指示我们当行的路:要长久在他的恩慈里。主啊,你的恩慈是领我悔改,我要回转归向你,In God's severe warning, He still instructs us on the path we should take: to remain in His mercy. Lord, Your mercy leads me to repentance. I want to turn back to You.求你赦免我在尝过主恩之后,随从自己的私欲,放纵罪恶,与魔鬼为伍,使你忧伤难过…你在地上施行审判,使我学习认识你的公义,你是大而可畏,轻漫不得的。Please forgive me for following my own desires, indulging in sin, associating with the devil, and causing You sorrow and grief after I have tasted Your grace… You execute judgement on the earth so that I may learn to know Your righteousness. You are great and awesome, and You cannot be taken lightly.
主啊,帮助我更多敬畏你,恨恶罪,识别心中的私欲,弃绝仇敌的谎言,承认并离弃罪,从骄傲、自大、自我中心、自行的路上转回,转向耶稣的道路和脚踪,Lord, help me to fear You more, hate sin, recognise the selfish desires in my heart, reject the enemy’s lies, confess and forsake sin, and turn away from the path of pride, arrogance, self-centredness, and self-reliance. Lead me to follow the way and footsteps of Jesus,使我将你的真理存记在心中,枝子连在葡萄树上,信而遵行爱神爱人的命令,长久在你的恩慈里,结出果子来荣耀你。so that I may keep Your truth in my heart, be a branch connected to the vine, believe and obey the commandments to love God and love others, remain in Your grace forever, and bear fruit to glorify You.(付传道Pastor Fu)