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【罗11:6】既是出于恩典,就不在乎行为,不然,恩典就不是恩典了。【Rom11:6】And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace.

发表于 2025-03-11

什么是神的“恩典?”经上说:“你们得救是本乎恩,也因着信;这并不是出于自己 ,乃是神所赐的;也不是出于行为,免得有人自夸。” What is God's "grace"? As it is written: " For it is by grace You have been saved, through faith—and this is not from Yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast."神拣选我们是出于祂的主权和恩典,是祂所赐的,而不是因着我们的行为。God chose us out of His sovereignty and grace, and this was given by Him, not because of our works.我们是罪人蒙恩,我们蒙拣选完全是神的恩典,是祂为我们的罪付上了舍命的代价,成就了这份极宝贵的救恩。We are sinners who have received grace, and our being chosen is entirely by God's grace. It was He who paid the price of His life for our sins and accomplished this extremely precious salvation.


我们也是因祂伟大的爱白白得了这份救恩,祂因爱我们受尽苦楚,被鞭打、受刑罚、受羞辱、被弃绝,在十字架上担当了我们的罪孽,帮我们承受了这个苦难,付清了一切的赎价。We have also received this salvation freely because of His great love. For our sake, He endured all kinds of suffering—He was whipped, punished, humiliated, and abandoned. He bore our sins on the cross, carried our suffering, and paid the full ransom for us.我们本不配,但祂却因爱到死都不离开,用祂的命换回我们的命,救我们不救祂自己。We were unworthy, yet because of His love, He did not abandon us—even unto death. Instead, He gave His life in exchange for ours, saving us rather than saving Himself.


何等深情,无限怜悯,这份爱令我们敬畏震惊。我们是谁?祂如此定睛在我们的身上,爱我们,救我们,What deep affection and infinite mercy! This love fills us with awe and wonder. Who are we, that He should care for us so deeply, love us, and save us?我们心被恩感,不再靠自己做什么来讨祂的喜悦。而是因信,自己是卖给罪的,是无有良善的,Our hearts are moved by His grace, and we no longer rely on our own efforts to please Him. Instead, we recognise that we are sold to sin and have no goodness of our own.需要时时否定自己,将肉体和肉体的邪情私欲与主同钉十字架,每天我心尊主为大,单单以敬畏神为乐。We must continually deny ourselves and crucify the flesh and its evil desires with the Lord. Each day, I honour the Lord in my heart and find joy in fearing God alone.因着恩典每天向祂欢呼赞美,颂扬祂,高举祂。Because of His grace, I rejoice and praise Him daily, lifting Him high and exalting His name.


慈爱怜悯的父,何等奇异恩典,我们赞美你。你恨恶罪,却爱世上一切的罪人,你不以我们的过犯为念,反而将死在过犯罪恶中的我们,你救我们活过来。Loving and merciful Father, what amazing grace—we praise You. You hate sin, yet You love all sinners in the world. You do not hold our transgressions against us but save us who were dead in sin and trespasses.主啊,你不愿一人沉沦,乃愿人人悔改,你的恩典在我们身上如此浩大。主啊,求你除掉我们的自以为义,悖逆顽梗,使我们因信进入这恩典,Lord, You do not desire anyone to perish but want everyone to come to repentance. Your grace is so great within us. Lord, please remove our self-righteousness, rebellion, and stubbornness, so that by faith we may enter into this grace.带着你的怜悯、爱、饶恕、接纳,爱灵魂的心,成为福音的使者,见证神恩典的荣耀。With Your mercy, love, forgiveness, and acceptance—and with a heart that loves souls—may we become messengers of the gospel, bearing witness to the glory of Your grace. (姊妹Sister Guo)


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