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【罗10:21】至于以色列人,他说:“我整天伸手招呼那悖逆顶嘴的百姓。”【Rom 10:21】But concerning Israel he says, "All day long I have held out my hands to a disobedient and obstinate people."

发表于 2025-03-10

这句话引自以赛亚书。什么是悖逆顶嘴的百姓?是随自己的意念行不善之道的人。随从自己的意念,自以为对和好,在神眼中都是不善,都是悖逆。This sentence is quoted from the Book of Isaiah. What is a rebellious and talkative people? They are people who follow their own thoughts and do evil things. Following their own thoughts and thinking that they are right and good are all evil and rebellious in the eyes of God.以色列人经历许多的神迹大能,却依然悖逆神、拒绝神、不信神,当神差先知指正罪恶时,总是不服:我们在何事上不听从神了?The Israelites experienced many miracles and mighty works, but they still rebelled against God, rejected God, and did not believe in God. When God sent prophets to correct their sins, they always refused to obey: In what did we not obey God?


扫罗被撒母耳指出罪时,他说:我实在遵行了神的命令。等到我自己的罪被指正时,发出的是相同的声音:没有,不是这样的,讲理由…When Saul was pointed out by Samuel, he said: "I have indeed obeyed Gods command." When my own sin was pointed out, I made the same sound: "No, it is not like that, give me a reason"因亚当一人的背逆,众人成为罪人。全世界被圈在不顺服之中,神却要怜恤众人,于是他整天伸手招呼:背道的儿女,回来吧…祂不愿我们死亡…Because of Adams rebellion, all people became sinners. The whole world is trapped in disobedience, but God wants to have mercy on everyone, so He stretches out His hand all day long to call: "Children who have fallen away, come back" He does not want us to die


主啊,求你赦免我,太多随从自己的意念,不信神的话,顽梗、悖逆、不服、顶撞、行邪术、巫术、偏要行…结果被仇敌欺压践踏…Lord, please forgive me for following my own ideas too much, not believing in Your words, being stubborn, rebellious, unwilling to obey, contradicting, practising witchcraft, sorcery, and insisting on doing it As a result, I was oppressed and trampled by the enemy…主,你却不放弃拯救,在十字架上,死也不顺从己意,为我的罪而死,却从死里复活!你向我伸出钉痕的双手,不停呼唤我离弃恶道,除掉不义的意念,归向神,你必怜恤…Lord, You did not give up saving me. On the cross, You died rather than obey Your own will. You died for my sins, but You rose from the dead! You stretched out Your nail-scarred hands to me, constantly calling me to abandon the evil way, get rid of unrighteous thoughts, and turn to God. You will have mercy...


主啊,我是谁,你竟如此施恩拯救,惟有回转向你,不信自己,不爱自己。当环境来临,我正要辩解,不服,顽梗悖逆的律要把我拉到死地时,ord, who am I that You have so much grace and salvation? I can only turn to You, not believe in myself, and not love myself. When the situation comes, I am about to defend myself, not obey, and the stubborn and rebellious nature is about to drag me to death.主啊,救我!奉主的名宣告:停住!撒但退我后边!我向这些意念是死的,我只要选择顺服耶稣!主啊,帮助我顺从真理,活出爱的生命,荣耀你的名!Lord, save me! In the name of the Lord, I declare: Stop! Satan, get behind me! I am dead to these thoughts; I just choose to obey Jesus! Lord, help me obey the truth, live a life of love, and glorify Your name! (付传道Pastor Fu


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