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【罗10:17】可见信道是从听 道来的,听道是从基督的话来的。【Rom 10:17】Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

发表于 2025-03-09

信心是从基督的话而来,祂的每一句话都是带着能力的。如果我们只祷告读经,我们就不明白神的旨意,就不明白神的话。Faith comes from the words of Christ, and every word of His is powerful. If we only pray and don't read the Bible, we will not understand God's will and God's words. 信神的话,紧跟祂的步伐,这就是信心的起头。我们想属灵生命有所成长,从聆听神的话语开始,Believing in God's words and following His steps is the beginning of faith. If we want to grow in our spiritual life, we should start by listening to God's words. 信道是从听道来的,听道是从基督的话来的。祂的话是我们脚前的灯路上的光,指引我们人生的每一步。Faith comes from hearing the Word, and hearing the Word comes from the words of Christ. His words are the lamp before our feet and the light on our path, guiding every step of our lives.

信心不是靠着自己努力而得来的,如果我们想有信心,就要主动读神的话,付代价听、读、默想,用神的话来祷告,并将所信的行出来,来见证我们的信是又真又活的。Faith is not obtained by our own efforts. If we want to have faith, we must take the initiative to read God's words, pay the price to listen, read, and meditate, pray with God's words, and act out what we believe to testify that our faith is true and alive. 信心和行为并存才能真正改变我们的生命。Only when faith and behaviour coexist can our lives be truly changed. 当祭司们听了约书亚从神领受的话,凭信除去惧怕,冒险冒死将脚踏进约旦河,约旦河瞬间就筑起水垒,他们因此见证了神的大能。When the priests heard the words Joshua received from God, they removed their fear by faith, risked their lives and stepped into the Jordan River. The Jordan River instantly built a water barrier, and they witnessed the power of God.


经上说:“信的人必有神随着他们,”他们经历神迹了,信心也因认识神而增长。The Bible says: "These signs will follow those who believe." They experienced miracles, and their faith grew because of knowing God.主啊,你良苦用心为我们量身定制了很多的考试,(身体 钱财 面子自尊 人前的荣耀 身边人的冒犯等等)来训练我们的信心,让我们在试炼中信心被建造提升。Lord, you have carefully tailored many tests for us (body, money, face and self-esteem, glory in front of people, offences from people around us, etc.) to train our faith and build and enhance our faith in trials. 求主赦免我们不信的罪,总是在环境里就信了自己的感觉感受,眼见耳闻,自保,体贴肉体,吃了分辨善恶树的果子,吃的日子就与神隔绝了。May the Lord forgive our sin of unbelief. We always believe in our own feelings and feelings in the environment, see and hear, protect ourselves, indulge in the flesh, eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and are separated from God the day we eat.


如今我要坚定信和行神的话,惹事的根在乎耶和华,没有祂的许可一根头发都不会掉在地上,既许可,就是要我们得生命且得的更丰盛的。Now I must firmly believe and practise God's words. The root of trouble lies in Jehovah. Not a hair will fall to the ground without His permission. Since He allows us to have life and have it more abundantly. 主啊,我信你是爱我,你为训练我的生命更像你,你才为我们量身定制的环境,我宣告:Lord, I believe that you love me, and you tailored the environment for us to train my life to be more like you. I declare: “每一个环境都是与我有益的,是我所需的,我愿意从你手中接过每一个苦杯,凭信往前,与你同受苦必与你同得荣耀,与你同死必与你同复活。” "Every environment is beneficial to me and what I need. I am willing to take every bitter cup from your hand and move forward by faith. Suffering with you will be glorified with you, and dying with you will be resurrected with you".(郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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