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【罗10:8】他到底怎么说呢?他说:“这道离你不远,正在你口里,在你心里。”就是我们所传信主的道。【Rom10:8】But what does it say? “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim:

发表于 2025-03-06


使徒保罗一直在传扬信心的道,因信称义,是信主之法,不是立功之法。The Apostle Paul preached the way of faith—justification by faith—which is the way of believing in the Lord, not the way of meritorious works.他告诉我们这道离我们不远,这道就是神的话,正在我们口里,在我们心里,只要我们敞开我们的心,邀请圣灵登上我们心灵的宝座,与祂面对面,俯伏在祂面前,祂就与我们同在。He told us that this way is near us; it is the word of God, in our mouths and in our hearts. As long as we open our hearts, invite the Holy Spirit to reign on the throne of our hearts, turn to Him, and bow before Him, He will be with us.祂喜悦我们专心敬拜祂,喜悦我们与祂亲近,祂说亲近祂的,祂就亲近他,爱祂的祂就爱他。He delights in our wholehearted worship and our closeness to Him. He has said that those who draw near to Him, He will draw near to them, and those who love Him, He will love in return.


很多时候我们好像触摸不到神,好像神离我们很远,祷告也得不到回应,神好像是别人的神,向别人是活的,也尝试到外面找神。Many times, we feel as though we cannot reach God, as if He is far from us and our prayers go unanswered. God seems to be someone elses God—alive to others—while we search for Him elsewhere.保罗说:“这道离我不远,道就是神,正在我心里,在我口里,”主啊,这一刻我宣告我信,耶和华的膀臂并非缩短不能拯救,耳朵并非发沉不能听见。But Paul said, “The word is near me; the word is God; it is in my mouth and in my heart.”Lord, at this moment, I declare my faith: Your arm is not too short to save, nor are Your ears too dull to hear.触摸不到神和祷告得不到回应,是我的罪孽使我与神隔绝,我的罪恶使神掩面不听我们。The reason I cannot reach You and my prayers remain unanswered is my own sin, which separates me from You. It is my sin that causes You to hide Your face and not listen to us.


当我们愿意承认并离弃罪恶时,祂正在我心里,在我口里,与我相近,用爱安慰我鼓励我,使我心里有能力。祂的每一句话是带着能力的,祂的话可以将我们救活。When we are willing to confess and turn from sin, He is in our hearts and in our mouths—near to us—comforting and encouraging us with His love, and strengthening our hearts. Every word of His is powerful, and His words can save us.只要我们心里信神的话语,就能经历神的大能,就能走出死荫的幽谷。因信靠祂的永不至于羞愧。As long as we believe in God's word in our hearts, we can experience His power and walk out of the valley of the shadow of death. For those who trust in Him will never be put to shame.主啊,带领我常住在你的里面,住到主里就不犯罪,住到主里恶者也无法害他。Lord, lead me to dwell in You forever. Those who live in the Lord will not remain in sin, and those who live in the Lord will not be harmed by the evil one.


耶和华我的磐石,我的救赎主啊!愿我口中的言语,心里的意念,在你面前蒙悦纳Jehovah, my rock and my redeemer! May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in Your sight.主啊,感谢你这份极宝贵的救恩临到我们,把我们从罪恶中拯救出来,使我们脱离咒诅进入祝福,并带领我们走信心之道。Lord, thank You for this precious salvation that has come to us—saving us from sin, bringing us out of the curse and into blessing, and leading us to walk the way of faith.感谢你时时在我们左右,在我们的心里,在我们的口里,带领我们遵行你的话。Thank You for always being by our side, in our hearts, and in our mouths, guiding us to obey Your words.主啊,我愿清心在你面前,昼夜思想你的话,每天行活人之道荣耀主名。Lord, I desire to be pure in heart before You, to meditate on Your words day and night, and to walk the path of life each day to glorify Your name. (姊妹Sister Guo)


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