以色列人恪守律法,却得不着律法的义。The Israelites diligently kept the law but could not attain the righteousness of the law. 因凡有血气的,没有一个人可以靠着行律法称义。律法如同一面镜子,让我们看见自己的罪,却无法使我们得洁净。For no one of flesh can be justified by works of the law. The law is like a mirror that reveals our sins, but it cannot cleanse us. 律法的总结就是基督。律法就像是一条路,把我们带到基督面前。The culmination of the law is Christ. The law is like a road that leads us to Christ. 在律法的尽头,基督为我们成就了救恩,使凡信祂的都得着义。At the end of the law, Christ accomplished salvation for us so that all who believe in Him may receive righteousness.
哈利路亚!耶稣不是来废掉律法,而是成全律法。祂是无罪的,却代替我们的罪受刑罚,耶稣满足了神圣洁公义的要求。Hallelujah! Jesus did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. He was sinless, yet He took the punishment for our sins. Jesus satisfied God’s holy and righteous requirements.我们因信自己是罪人,接受耶稣的救恩,罪得赦免;By believing that we are sinners and accepting Jesus’ salvation, our sins are forgiven. 耶稣从死里复活,把圣灵赐下,使律法的义成就在不顺从肉体,只顺从圣灵的人身上。Jesus rose from the dead and gave us the Holy Spirit so that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in those who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. 这是信主的道路,使凡信他的都得着义。This is the way of faith, through which all who believe in Him receive righteousness.
主啊,赦免我,跟以色列人一样,想要立自己的义,Lord, forgive me, for I have been like the Israelites, trying to establish my own righteousness. 读了你的话,就照自己理解的去行,行完了还不被称许,I read Your Word and act according to my own understanding, yet after doing so, I am still not accepted. 怎么做都不对,心中就发怒、不服、委屈、苦毒…基督全然信靠顺服天父,No matter what I do, it is never right, and my heart grows angry, resentful, bitter, and unwilling to submit… But Christ fully trusted and obeyed the Father. 被钉死在十架上,却默默无声,毫无怨言,充满对罪人的爱和怜悯…从果子可以看到,我走错了路…He was nailed to the cross, yet He remained silent, without complaint, full of love and mercy for sinners… By the fruit, I can see that I have walked the wrong path.
主,我来到你的施恩座前,承认自己做不到,也改不好,Lord, I come before Your throne of grace, acknowledging that I cannot do it on my own, nor can I change myself. 耶稣在十字架上说“成了”,感谢你赐下生命,使我靠着圣灵,凭着信心,治死肉体的恶行,向自己的自义、论断、委屈…死,Jesus declared on the cross, “It is finished.” Thank You for giving me life, so that by the Spirit, through faith, I may put to death the deeds of the flesh—my self-righteousness, judgment, resentment… 转向耶稣,向真理活,定意放手、信靠、顺服,圣灵掌管我,在我里面作成神的义,彰显神的荣耀!I turn to Jesus, choosing to live in truth, to let go, trust, and obey. Holy Spirit, take control of me, work in me to accomplish God’s righteousness, and reveal His glory!(付传道Pastor Fu)