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【罗9:33】就如经上所记:“我在锡安放一块绊脚的石头,跌人的磐石;信靠他的人必不至于羞愧。”【Rom9:33】As it is written: “See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who believes in Him will never be put to shame.”

发表于 2025-03-04

义人是因信而生,以色列人追求律法,反而没有得着律法的义,因为他们不是凭着信心求,而是凭着他们自己的行为求,他们正跌在那绊脚石上。The righteous are born of faith. The Israelites pursued the law, but they did not attain the righteousness of the law because they sought it not by faith, but by their own works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone.耶稣基督是磐石,祂是我们稳固的根基。因为以色列人不信基督,拒绝基督,不跟随基督,耶稣基督这块磐石就变成了跌人的磐石,他们就跌倒了。Jesus Christ is the rock, our solid foundation. But because the Israelites did not believe in Christ, rejected Him, and did not follow Him, Jesus Christ, the rock, became a rock of stumbling, and they fell.


这个教训是何等的深刻,以色列人就是我们的写照,多少时候我们也像以色列人一样,信自己,靠自己,行自己眼中看为正的事。How profound is this lesson? The Israelites are a reflection of us. Many times, we are just like them—trusting in ourselves, relying on our own strength, and doing what is right in our own eyes.经上说:有一条路,人以为正,至终成为死亡之路。反复跌倒在信自己的罪中,终日不见福乐来到。The Bible says: There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. When we repeatedly fall into the sin of self-reliance, we will not see joy throughout the day.但受苦是与我们有益,为要我们认识祂的律例典章,竭力否定自己,信基督这救恩的磐石,信靠他的人必不至于羞愧。Yet suffering is beneficial to us, for it helps us understand His laws and commands, strive to deny ourselves, and place our faith in Christ, the rock of salvation. Those who believe in Him will never be put to shame.


祂因爱我们,用自己的血救我们脱离罪恶,让我们与祂有份。这道是以信为本,以信为根基,Because He loves us, He saves us from sin with His own blood and allows us to share in Him. This way is built on faith, with faith as its foundation.信出于祂的都是好的,信惹事的根出于祂,信祂的慈爱比生命更美好,We must believe that everything that comes from Him is good, that even the root of trouble is within His sovereign plan, and that His love is better than life.所有临到我们的环境,没有为什么,不讲理由对错,因祂的意念高过我们的意念,祂的道路高过我们的道路,Every circumstance we face is not without purpose, regardless of whether we see it as right or wrong, for His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, and His ways are higher than our ways.因祂所赐给我们的并不是降灾祸的意念,而是平安的意念,是要我们末后有指望的。What He gives us is not a plan for disaster but a plan for peace, so that in the end, we may have hope.


使徒保罗用他的经历告诉我们信靠祂的人不至于羞愧,The apostle Paul used his experience to show us that those who trust in Him will not be put to shame.他虽是经历火一样的试炼,当试炼过后,必有生命的冠冕为他存留,哈利路亚,这是我们竭力效仿和追求的。Although he endured trials like fire, when the trial was over, a crown of life was reserved for him. Hallelujah! This is what we strive to imitate and pursue. Lord, You are the solid rock and our sure refuge.主啊,你这稳固的磐石,坚固的避难所,是我们所倚靠的,我们凭信心站在这个磐石上,完全的信而谦卑顺服,背起自己的十字架,We rely on this rock. By faith, we stand upon it, fully believing, humbly obeying, and carrying our own cross.无论何等境遇,总叫耶稣基督在我们里面照常显大,荣耀主名。No matter the circumstances, may Jesus Christ always be revealed in us, so that we may glorify the Lord’s name. (姊妹Sister Guo)


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