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【罗9:20】你这个人哪,你是谁,竟敢向神强嘴呢?受造之物岂能对造他的说:“你为什么这样造我呢?”Rom 9:20: "But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’”

发表于 2025-03-03

神拣选了雅各,是神的主权,神要恩待谁就恩待谁。God chose Jacob, which is God’s sovereignty. God will show favour to whomever He wants to show favour.神知道万人的心,在祂没有不义。God knows the hearts of all people, and there is no unrighteousness in Him. 人却要质疑,心中不服:But people will question and be dissatisfied in their hearts: 神把我造成这个样子,为什么还指责我刚硬呢?我能有什么办法?为什么我这么遭咒诅?为什么我有这样的家庭?难道我比别人的罪更大吗?God made me like this, why does He accuse me of being hard? What can I do? Why am I cursed like this? Why do I have such a family? Am I more sinful than others? 我们把矛头对准神,指责神不公义…We point the finger at God and accuse Him of being unjust...


神不回答我们的质问,只问:你这个人哪,你是谁?God does not answer our questions, but only asks: Who are you, O man? 是啊,我是谁,竟敢向神争辩?泥土岂能指责陶匠:“你为什么这样造我呢?” Yes, who am I to dare to argue with God? How can the clay blame the potter: "Why did you make me like this?"主,你是造物主,我却忘了自己是谁,把自己当神,甚至比神还高,来定罪神不公义…Lord, you are the Creator, but I forgot who I am and regarded myself as God, even higher than God, to condemn God as unjust...主,求你赦免我的狂妄、无知、骄傲…我本是渺小的微尘,你却照你的形象创造我…Lord, please forgive my arrogance, ignorance, and pride... I was originally a tiny speck of dust, but you created me in your image...


主,当我犯罪离弃你时,是你舍弃尊贵荣耀,全然顺服天父,舍了生命来拯救我。Lord, when I sinned and abandoned you, it was you who gave up your honour and glory, completely obeyed the Father, and gave up your life to save me. 我本是无用的瓦器,你却愿住在我里面,使我因为有你这宝贝,彰显莫大的能力,使我可以重新再活一次…I was originally a useless clay vessel, but you were willing to live in me, so that I could show great power because of your treasure, so that I could live again...主啊,你是陶匠,我是泥土,感谢你借各种环境来陶造我,熬炼我,为要让我成为你合用的器皿。Lord, you are the potter, and I am the clay. Thank you for moulding and refining me through various environments, so that I can become a vessel suitable for you.


主,我回到自己受造物的本位,仰望你这位造物主,你是爱我的天父,Lord, I return to my original position as a creature and look up to you, the Creator. You are my loving Father.照你的心意来炼净我的心,使我胜过一切的自义、背逆、不服、惧怕…Please purify my heart according to your will, so that I can overcome all self-righteousness, rebellion, disobedience, and fear...我愿意降服于你,你的心中有蓝图,你的时间错误,你所做的全然是爱,I am willing to submit to you. You have a blueprint in your heart, your timing is not wrong, and everything you do is love. 愿你的旨意成就在我身上,使人看到你的荣耀彰显,也来归向你。May your will be fulfilled in me, so that people can see your glory and come to you. (付传道Pastor Fu


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