保罗一直是把人带到上帝的面前,让人认识神绝对的主权。Paul has always brought people to God and made them aware of God's absolute sovereignty. 怜悯谁恩待谁都在乎祂。不在乎人怎么筹谋计划,Whom to show mercy to and whom to show compassion to depends on Him. It does not matter how people plan and plot. 靠着人的智慧能力,我要活出我的人生,我的人生我作主,以自我为大,骄傲自满,以为可以人定胜天;Relying on human wisdom and ability, I want to live my own life, I am the master of my own life, I think I am great, I am proud and complacent, and I think I can conquer nature; 却不晓得我们只是受造之物,生命如同云雾一样出现少时就不见了,生命何等的渺小,今天祂若让我活着我才可以做这事做那事。but I do not realise that we are just creatures, and life is like clouds and mist, which appear for a short time and then disappear. How insignificant life is. Today, if He lets me live, I can do this and that.
当我们经历了人生的风吹雨打之后,才知道自己只不过是人,我们的一切都在祂的手中,我们离了祂什么都做不了,自高的必降为卑。After we have experienced the wind and rain of life, we know that we are just human beings, and everything we have is in His hands. We can do nothing without Him, and those who are high will be humbled. 因罪而受苦学习功课后,真承认一切的事,都不在乎那定意的,也不在乎那奔跑的,所有的一切只在乎发怜悯的神。After suffering and learning lessons from sin, I truly acknowledged that everything is not up to the one who wills or the one who runs, but all is up to the merciful God. 我们不至消灭,是出于耶和华诸般的慈爱,是因他的怜悯不致断绝。We are not destroyed because of the loving kindness of the Lord, because His mercy never fails.
主啊,没有你的恩典和怜悯,我们所作的一切都是虚空。Lord, without Your grace and mercy, everything we do is in vain. 我们曾经有过的辉煌成就、美好经历,都是你的怜悯,一切都是从上头领受而来的我们自己没有什么可夸的。The brilliant achievements and wonderful experiences we have had are all Your mercy, and everything is received from above. We have nothing to boast about. 求主赦免我们狂妄无故的自高自大的罪,偷窃了你的荣耀,藐视你所造,悖逆顽梗、无怜悯的罪。May the Lord forgive us for our arrogant and conceited sins, stealing Your glory, despising what You have created, and being rebellious, stubborn, and merciless. 无怜悯要受无怜悯的审判,我现在接受你的审判,学习你的律例,转道,看别人比自己强。The merciless will be judged without mercy. I now accept Your judgment, learn Your laws, turn around, and see others as better than myself.
他人得荣耀就是我得荣耀了,你必兴旺我必衰微。When others are glorified, I am glorified. You will prosper and I will decline. 常常求圣灵提醒我们不忘自己的本相,若不是神的怜悯,我们不知要落到什么地步。Always ask the Holy Spirit to remind us not to forget our true selves. If it were not for God's mercy, we would not know where we would end up. 主啊,你的救恩广阔,我的心哪,不可忘记你一切的恩惠,在我活着的日子,我要时时来敬拜称颂你。Lord, Your salvation is vast. My heart, I must not forget all Your grace. As long as I live, I will always come to worship and praise You. 因祂受鞭伤我们得医治,因祂受刑罚我们得平安,祂受咒诅我们得祝福。Because He was wounded, we are healed. Because He was punished, we have peace. Because He was cursed, we are blessed. 仅此一生,我奉献给你,惟愿为你发光,直到你荣耀国度降临。I dedicate this life to You, and I only wish to shine for You until Your glorious kingdom comes. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)