雅各和以扫还没有出生,善恶还没有作出来,神已经告诉利百加:这族必强于那族,将来大的要服事小的。Before Jacob and Esau were born, before they had done anything good or bad, God had already told Rebekah: “The older will serve the younger.”从人的眼光看,雅各在母腹里就抓,为人诡诈,欺骗人,惧怕,自保…从行为看,还不如以扫,From a human perspective, Jacob grasped in the womb, was deceitful, fearful, and self-protective. Looking at his actions, he seemed worse than Esau. 但神却拣选了雅各,只因要显明神拣选人的旨意,不在乎人的行为,乃在乎召人的主。Yet, God chose Jacob—not because of his works, but to reveal His sovereign purpose in election. It does not depend on human effort but on the One who calls.
神拣选了雅各,神也是公义的,雅各一生抓着自己心中所爱的,为自己的罪受苦多年,但神拣选的恩典不后悔,仍然带领雅各认识神。God chose Jacob, and He is righteous. Jacob spent his life striving for what he desired and suffered many years for his sins. But God’s gracious calling is irrevocable. He led Jacob to truly know Him. 直到年老的时候,雅各从心底里认识这位牧养自己一生的救主,完全信靠顺服,In his old age, Jacob finally recognized the Shepherd who had guided him all his life. He fully trusted and obeyed God. 临终之时扶着杖头敬拜神,宣告神的应许和预言。雅各被神更新改变了!At the end of his life, he worshiped God while leaning on his staff, proclaiming God’s promises and prophecies. Jacob was transformed by God!
我们都是犯了罪的人,都是不配的。神拣选、训练、塑造雅各,今天主也拣选了我们,召了我们,不是因为我们比别人好,乃是本乎恩,也因着信。We are all sinners, unworthy of His grace. God chose, trained, and shaped Jacob, and today, He has also chosen and called us—not because we are better than others, but by grace through faith. 主啊,求你赦免我,靠行为,做得好就觉得自己比别人有义;失败跌倒时,又自卑、灰心、绝望…在肉体里,我们实在一无可夸。Lord, forgive me for relying on my works, feeling righteous when I do well, and falling into self-pity and despair when I fail. In my flesh, I have nothing to boast about.
主啊,你的选召和恩赐是没有后悔的。你拥有一切的主权,你所行的无不公义,无不慈爱!Lord, Your calling and gifts are irrevocable. You have full sovereignty, and all Your ways are righteous and loving! 奉主的名破除一切靠行为跟神交换好处的谎言!主啊,带领我因信接受你所赐的每一个考试,否定自己的意思,操练信靠、放手、交托,In Jesus’ name, I renounce the lie that I can trade good works for Your favor. Lord, lead me to accept each test by faith, deny my own will, and practice trust, surrender, and reliance on You. 在恩典中认识你,得着你的丰盛,也向失丧的人见证这救赎的恩典!May I know You more deeply in Your grace, receive Your fullness, and bear witness to this redeeming grace to the lost!(付传道Pastor Fu)