这是何等的一份爱呢?保罗深爱着他的同胞,只要他的同胞灵魂得救,甚至愿意自己被咒诅与基督分离他也愿意,What kind of love is this? Paul loved his fellow countrymen so much that he was willing to be cursed and separated from Christ, as long as their souls were saved.何等真切的爱,他对所有的同胞,视同骨肉。如同天父爱每一个照着祂形象所造的人。What true love he had! He treated all his countrymen as his own flesh and blood, just as the Heavenly Father loves every person created in His image.当他看到同胞的悖逆顽梗、不信抵挡,拒绝和排斥福音,犹如曾经的他抵挡真道,他大有忧愁,心里时常伤痛,愿意为他们的灵魂得救付出任何代价。When he saw the rebellious stubbornness, unbelief, resistance, and rejection of the gospel among his countrymen—just as he once resisted the truth—he was deeply saddened and often hurt in his heart. He was willing to pay any price for their souls to be saved.
保罗是完全被基督得着了,他为我们做了榜样,他凡事都是以耶稣基督的心为心,以神的爱去爱一切的人。Paul was completely won over by Christ. He set an example for us. He did everything with the heart of Jesus Christ and loved all people with the love of God.他用生命来效仿主耶稣的脚踪,为羊舍命,救别人不救自己,爱别人不爱自己,将命倾倒,来换回他同胞的生命。He used his life to imitate the footsteps of the Lord Jesus, laying down his life for the sheep, saving others instead of himself, loving others instead of himself, and pouring out his life in exchange for the lives of his fellow countrymen.因为保罗说,我活着就是基督,因基督为叫我们得生命,祂将自己的命舍了。Because Paul said, “To live is Christ,” for Christ gave His life so that we might have life.
主啊,感谢你的牺牲成就这份救赎大工,使我们有永活的盼望;Lord, thank You for Your sacrifice to accomplish this great work of redemption, so that we have the hope of eternal life.感谢你为我们预备了像保罗一样的属灵人,为求我们的灵魂得就,毫无保留的献上自己,完全不顾自己生命的安危、得失、荣辱、生死……Thank You for preparing spiritual people like Paul for us, who offered themselves without reservation for the sake of our souls, completely disregarding their own safety, gains and losses, honour and disgrace, life and death.主啊,我拿什么报答耶和华向我所赐的一切厚恩?惟有将生命献上当作活祭,主啊,为着千万失丧的灵魂,你差遣我……Lord, how can I repay all the great grace that Jehovah has given me? Only by offering my life as a living sacrifice, Lord, for the millions of lost souls, please send me…
主啊,使我喜你所喜,忧你所忧,Lord, let me rejoice in what You rejoice in, and be saddened by what You are saddened by.效仿保罗将自己全然交给基督,全然效法基督,为己无所求,为主求一切,将命倾倒,以至于死。Help me to follow Paul's example, giving myself completely to Christ, imitating Him fully, asking nothing for myself, and asking everything for the Lord. I want to pour out my life to the point of death.活着只愿主的旨意成就,惟愿我们都能为失丧的灵魂忧愁,效仿保罗的心志,冒死前行,一无畏惧,就是自己被咒诅,与基督分离,我也愿意。I live only to see the Lord's will fulfilled, and I hope that we can all grieve for the lost souls, following Paul's heart, risking death, and moving forward without fear. Even if I am cursed and separated from Christ, I am willing.总要得着仇敌的城门,夺回失丧的灵魂,让主的心意得满足。We must always seize the enemy's city gates, recapture the lost souls, and fulfil the Lord's will. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)