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【罗8:37】然而,靠着爱我们的主,在这一切的事上已经得胜有余了【Rom8:37】No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

发表于 2025-02-26

保罗亲身经历后告诉我们,面对患难、困苦、逼迫…靠着爱我们的主,在这一切事上已经得胜有余了!不是将要得胜,而是“已经得胜”;不是“勉强得胜”,而是“得胜有余”,aul told us, after personal experience, that when faced with tribulation, hardship, and persecution... we are more than conquerors in all these things through the Lord who loves us! Its not about winning, but "already victorious"; not "barely victorious", but "more than victorious".希腊文的意思是:“彻底得胜”或“压倒性的胜利”。在基督里,我们不是失败者,而是得胜者。这个胜利是耶稣成就的,祂已经完全得胜!The Greek meaning is: "complete victory" or "overwhelming victory". In Christ, we are not losers, but overcomers. This victory was achieved by Jesus; He has completely won!


如果胜利已经成就,为什么我们仍然会感到软弱、失败?关键在于靠什么?靠自己,在亚当里,我们就是罪的奴仆,失败者。然而靠着爱我们的主耶稣,在基督里,我们是新造的人,If victory has been achieved, why do we still feel weak and defeated? The key lies in what? On our own, in Adam, we are slaves to sin, losers. However, by relying on the Lord Jesus who loves us, in Christ, we are new creations.在患难困苦中,靠着圣灵,让自己的旧人终日被杀,不再争辩、不服,与耶稣同死,就要经历同复活的大能。In the midst of trials and tribulations, relying on the Holy Spirit, we let our old self be killed all day long, no longer arguing or disobeying, and die with Jesus, so that we may experience the power of resurrection together.


仇敌常借着我们的跌倒,来控告、定罪,让我们怀疑神的爱。离开主,“我”就是不堪一击,但在基督里,结局已经改写!主,你为救我,如将宰的羊,终日被杀!The enemy often uses our falls to accuse and condemn us, causing us to doubt God's love. Without the Lord, "I" am vulnerable, but in Christ, the outcome has been rewritten! Lord, to save me, you were like a sheep about to be slaughtered, being killed all day long!死亡却不能拘禁你!你从死里复活,完全得胜了!靠着主的爱,我可以回转,站在恩典的地位上,接纳自己的本相,重新与罪恶争战。Death cannot hold you captive! You rose from the dead and are completely victorious! Relying on the love of the Lord, I can turn around, stand on the position of grace, accept myself as I am, and fight against sin again.


主,我要赞美你,因你完全的爱,我弃绝一切的羞愧、惧怕、退后的意念!你是我的元帅,我是耶和华军队中的一员,我的生命是你的赐予,理当再次献给你!Lord, I want to praise you. Because of your perfect love, I abandon all thoughts of shame, fear, and backsliding! You are my captain, I am a member of Jehovahs army, my life is a gift from you, and it should be dedicated to you again!求圣灵掌管我,与肉体、世界、魔鬼争战到底!主啊,率领我们靠着耶稣向仇敌夸胜!得胜属于万王之王,万主之主,直到永远!I ask the Holy Spirit to control me and fight against the flesh, the world, and the devil to the end! Lord, lead us to triumph over our enemies through Jesus! Victory belongs to the King of kings and Lord of lords forever and ever!付传道Pastor Fu)


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